Really enjoyed reading through this article 'Cannabis Inflorescence for Medical Purposes: US Pharmacopeia quality attributes. Interested if anyone else has read through this article and your thoughts?
Did enjoy the USP reference list for the different testing points.
The attached video discusses the Dutch and German monographs for medical ‘pharma’ grade cannabis, are there any good reviews on cannabis monographs out there?
Thank you, yes have seen it previously. My main question is if cultivators are using it to product a very consistent starting botanical product that can be used for clinical trial work?
I’m not. My cultivation methodologies are far superior for the most part, relying on up to date research and plant science, optimizing everything. I assume the same for goes for the other growers here.
Agreed. Thanks for sharing the preview. If anyone sees anything in the preview they want to read, I’m happy to take photos or scan pages, if you don’t want to spent $50.
I saw the video discussed the Dutch cannabis monograph that they are using for quality control considerations for pharma flower. Uploaded it below: Dutch Reference Monograph.pdf (413.6 KB)
Has anyone had stability data for flower or own formulations that has specifically spent a year in a stability cabinet? Interested in the rate of change in the sample…