Cannabis helps with detox

You’re both right, and cannabis helps with both.

Also I’ve always thought it helps but that’s why it’s the best medicine. It wont do the damn thing for you, but it helps with so many damn things.

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benzo/alcohol withdrawal causes seizures which can kill you, opiate withdrawal will only kill you from dehydration from what I’ve seen

but yes, weed works wonders for both


That is a fact! Alcohol, and benzos are literally the only drugs that will kill you during detox. Other drugs may make you wish you were dead, but they in fact, will not kill you.


Benzos and alcohol are the worst.

Alcohol by far the worst

The withdrawals can kill you, dad explained to me what they were like, can’t remember much in detail what he said but shakey, not really eating, he had a seizure from it once, doctor said it was a stroke but he was drinking and hiding it at this time so me and my mom believe he just went through a withdrawal trying to hide his addiction from us.

It can

My dad was one of the people who shouldn’t have ANY substance at all. Even cannabis.

A few weeks after he got out of treatment once, back in Wisconsin, he went downstairs into my old room, grabbed my bowl on my desk when I was upstairs and quickly smoked it in the bathroom. I knew something was up so I went downstairs to see, sure as shit, comes walking out, bathroom fan on, reeks like weed and my bowl was ASHED.

There are just some people who cannot and should not have any true mind altering drugs, besides caffeine and nicotine as that will only drive them to drink or do other things without those 2

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Alcohol can have DT’s as a side effect, they don’t play.

What is this? Misery and self deprivation pissing contest?

Many drugs have incredibly painful withdrawals, both mental, and physical. Anti depressants, (especially if administered young) can have damning psychological implications for the adult.

Yeah guys, drugs do stuff, news flash… :roll_eyes:

It’s all about where/when/why they’re used, and what plausible usage do they have. Many people reach for things that are way beyond their needs.


Well, that’s a pretty mother fucking pretentious thing to say… What do you know of other’s problems, how bad they are (or perceived evil if you will), and what it TAKES to treat whatever issue. I mean, I didn’t know I was becoming an alcoholic until it happened. I didn’t know I was “self medicating” at the time. I was just reaching for the closest legal thing that I could legally purchase, and consume. Jail was never worth drugs, but diametrically had no problem getting black out drunk and putting myself in jail for things I’ll never remember.

Anyway… Just thought it sounded a little Dr. Phil_esque


To me people should indulge in social behavior/things that they enjoy and make them contribute to society to better themselves.

Cannabis can be one of them if done right. Same with alcohol, i.e. brewing it or owning a distillery or something along the lines of actually contributing to society while doing something worth it/worth while instead of doing nothing while indulging in substances.


I meant that as, people tend to hammer screws when it comes to indulging, many people out there self medicating in ways that are not healthy to them. Humans aren’t very good at impulse control,


We are not good at that at all no.

That being said there still is a lot of people able to control themselves.


It just comes down to “know thyself”. If something is spinning out of control there’s generally a reason. I was a binge drinker, so it was always easy for me to quit. Until the next time, sometimes being years. But when I was able to address the issues I wasn’t even was properly aware of until I met the VA things became better. Cannabis has helped, well everything has helped because I know the issues, and what to do.

Most people would genuinely benefit from a macro dose of some psychedelics with a friend/guide. Just in general, really helps with issues of self. Once you’re able to bring it to light, the monsters can be slain.


I can’t like anymore(reached max) but I liked this post.

The part on the mushrooms is true as well. Only tripped 2 times so far and its helped me improve a good amount but still working on a lot


Very well said @Capttripppp, I’m not preaching against people having the options, I preach that people go to options that are less harmful. Sometimes people need the ability to fall to learn how to stand (I am certainly no exception) I’ve had my fair share of learning for myself the tricks I need to maintain comfort, and be able to maintain, and also, working myself down from my bad habits.

I 100% agree there needs to be a center for psychedelics, safe injection sites, etc, I do not judge people for how they manage their burdens, I am perfectly guilty of exorbitant vice, but educating people on the inherent risks, socially, physiologically, and above all, offering harm reducing means of doing so is imperative. Sometimes we need harsh lessons of what not to do, and that’s pretty damn okay,

But we are a society awash in substances (not just drugs, but anything of substance) and many people (in general) are not well equipped to navigate or handle them.

I don’t just like, I friggan loved psychedelics, I’ve tripped a few dozen-hundreds of times, I have seen it bring great epiphany, and experienced a good number of them myself, so I’m no stranger to the usefulness of these things. But I also took it upon myself to educate myself a good bit before diving in, and even then it was hard to judge when I was distracting myself, and when it was a necessary tool.

Being human is a weird sensation, especially if having lived a life, I believe it necessary to celebrate those that find their way out, and help those looking for one. That starts entirely with being informed, both on self, and in the world.

Cannabis is fantastic at being less harmful, I compare it to cigarettes and vaping. Cannabis can be a good habit substitute for people who struggle with substances, but I would never suggest it to someone who doesn’t need it, and I certainly wouldn’t judge someone who does.

I certainly know a few people, that because they had access, they are still here, walking, talking, and odds defied, I have also, lost many, to the odds they were playing.

I’ve lost two people just this year to their vices, and God knows we all tried to help.

You ask what I know of pain, I do my best to intervene when the pains others go through is unnecessary. This has brought me great turmoil.


Dmt showed me more in 30min than lsd and shrooms combined showed me over 100s of hrs

**I was left speechless mind-blown mind-fucked…w space balls pouring outta my ears. Amazing a tree root is what I was looking for back as young tripper. I wanted the best of the best visuals. Real hallucinations!! Its like freaking PS VR if you can vaoe enough fastb enough…otherwise just eat the amount u need to get there in DmT Fumarate form.


Benzo’s are worse and last longer and can actually kill you


Yep benzos are the worst. My buddy told me he had hallucinations for a week. Heart freaking the fuck out for 2 weeks. Could not sleep at all… etc
Heroin addiction is basically a flu that lasts 7 days


Ya opiates are a walk in the park compared to benzo’s, can last a month or 2. There all bad but benzo’s and alcohol can kill you during detox

There’s a lot of factors that lead into what someone’s come down is like, good friend of mine came off of opiods and amphetamines, and that was a rough few years watching him rediscover himself. He got lost in the booze after that, and by God’s grace his liver didn’t give out. Coming back after hurting so long is a brutal process, it takes years for your brain to come back what are normative baselines, trying to recapture what normal is after going so far out can be one hell of a process. Come downs can take weeks, healing from it all can take years.


You’re never really the same after benzos it seems. I spent a couple years on em pretty heavy when I was young and stupid, it took months to taper off and I couldn’t drink alcohol for a couple years

The funny thing is, the stuff I got hooked on was marketed (on reddit) as a safer and less addictive, legal Xanax alternative. Sold by nootroopic companies of all things

I’d say from this conversation we are all having, and given the industry we are all in, yes, cannabis is great for detoxing off of other substances. Sadly still, nothing beats not having to consume anything in the first place, but nobody is really that interesting without some form inner turmoil.

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