Cannabis derived terps by the ml or L (checking interest)

Where at that’s not bad ?

Didn’t come from cannabis? I disagree. Fuck what the gov’t defines cannabis as. Them’s some cannabis terps.

I’ve always lost 70-75% by mass when drying herb given to me for extraction (I’ve never grown - pretty sad)


How were these extracted?

Finding good cannabis derived terpenes is getting difficult. Hemp terpenes leave a lot to be desired compared to CDTs. They taste pretty bland and plant-y?..

Where are theese hemp Terps available at, sound amazing

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@qma he got em


I can tell you this. They aren’t gonna fly off the shelves. People seem happy enough with hemp terps. So keep that in mind when you make your deal with Canada. Be sure you have a margin that can support sitting on product for a while, or set up a drop shipping arrangement. Word to the wise. You are smart for feeling it out


hi… txt me at 818-371-2878 or

We have an IES 40 L Botanical extract or it’s a CO2 unit

We extract cannabis derived Terpenes from indoor and we extract from Hemp Terpenes, they are a world apart from their steam counterpart

They more closely resemble the high-quality indoor cannabis derived than any other hemp extracted terpene. All the steam still terpenes tend to have A similarity to them although there are differences they all share that steam still quality

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I feel alot of the CO2 extracted terpenes smell very simliar. They are great, but lacking that robust wow factor.

Did you do a terp run on the strawberries n cream strain? That’s 1 terp I’ll take a bit of.

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I wish I could say that I did. She’s a monster I have one of them at seven weeks right now and she’s almost bigger than all of her neighbors. But no I did not do a Terps run because it requires a minimum of six units of biomass. And I’ve only ever flowered one or two of that strain at a time.



I have more strains that kick ass! But the SnC is the loudest of all my genetics I run.

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