Cannabis derived terpenes avail here

Hello again to all :
We offer 100% cannabis derived terpenes here in Southern California.
We ship anywhere in us. We usually always have stock, and We Look forward to working together in making your products taste and smell better !
Dm for order info.
For any verification needs feel free to reach out to @StoneD.


Hope I can get some more that bubba kush soon I really liked it!


Order whenever you are ready man

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care to share how you’re capturing them?

don’t need any of your trade secrets, just general methodology & source…


Source is a range of indoor and outdoor quality goods from both so. cal and nor cal.
We Run goods as fresh as possible.
A version of steam distillation is the method.


some folks here draw a distinction between “cannabis derived” and “hemp derived” terpenes.

As a molecular biologist, I find that distinction nonsensical, but it will likely serve you well to be explicit…

(…and welcome!!)


Thank you ! Yes well I’ve harvested some hemp cbd buds that looked, smelled, felt just like the thc version. Only a GC system could tell the difference. also yes knowing it’s compound makeup they are very similar. It’s all kind of the same thing. But when I comes to the flavor, smell characteristic of the terps in products, I find the cannabis (thc) to just offer a more diverse compound profile range. Which is what makes them a bit more appealing. either way it’s the best way to cut, flavor clean and healthy. And that is #1

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This isn’t showing up for some reason, that just me. On the board

just put an new strain up today,
FCC- french cherry cookies , smells wonderful !
to anyone who may be interested. thanks for checking us out

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What’s all up I need to make order soon really soon

Hey , u guys sent me some fruit punch terpenes that smelled like a foot for 40 dollars a gram … worst smelling terpenes I ever got , and the most expensive

Don’t do it

Im going to defend terpenecalifornia here and not at his request but because i reached out to this guy to say who i recommend for good cannabis terpenes when he posted in another thread.

He was using it for adding to sugars and crumble. The fruit punch when in cartridges is very nice (these are extremely concentrated i use 4% on 1g vapes) and not to mention duh the strain is cross breed with skunk haze. I cant watch trash talk from someone who only from my observation in convo bought a gram and didnt even give it a try before complaining.


I’m sad though after 6 months no more lemon haze this is the last from that batch

Guys get fruit punch from ssieria if u like the smell of used bandaids … and bull shit ur not working with terps cali u fucking con artist

Layer Cake and Ice cream cake for me were in a world of their own even better then clear nation terps imo and caught me off guard how damn good they were. Knew soon as I opened the vial they were that fire but WOW!!!

Within 24 hrs of steeping I was already placing an order for more of the layer cake just that good.

Perhaps you were expecting some candy fruity tasting fruit punch idk but I have a feeling you either didnt mix and steep properly or didnt have realistic expectations of a CDT and were looking for some BDT ish :stuck_out_tongue:

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The best terpenes I have ever purchased was Bubba Kush from these guys. 10/10.

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Perhaps I didn’t want my fruit punch to smell like gerbils … stupid me for thinking fruit punch would smell fruity