Cannabinoids miscible in water

Working with a lab that is producing cannabis/hemp concentrate that is miscible in water. Not a nano-emulsion, but actually miscible.
I’ve done a bit of R&D with this stuff and it went well. Efficacy was really great as well. Felt the effects distinctly and quickly. Didn’t taste like complete ass either, like a lot of the nano-emulsions I have tried. Pretty cost effective as well.

Would anyone be interested in this or is anyone else doing this? Pretty much everyone I know that is making water soluble cannabinoids is using Nano right now. And I liked this much better.

Currently not at liberty to say much more than that, but I wanted to gauge interest on this, as well as see if there is anyone with a similar product out there already? Figured this would be the best place to start.

So it’s an emulsion?

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Water soluble (Nano) is easy to make. You can also use sugars to make a sugar-cannabinoid and I wouldn’t consider that as Nano.


Bear with me, I am no chemist. But the way I have understood it is that pretty much all the WS cannabinoid products out there are a really just suspensions. Particle size reduced, then encapsulated, and suspended in the solution. And most times, if it sits out long enough, the suspension will begin to separate a bit.

There is more R&D to be done with this, but that separation is not happening with this product at all. It is actually dissolved in the water, not suspended. It’s completely clear. No cloudiness when its put into water. If there were two samples, one dosed and one not, I would not be able to tell the difference, side by side. Not so much the case with any Nano-emulsions I have played around with.

I’m under an NDA so I can’t really even try to explain it too much in depth (not sure I could explain it well even if I was allowed to lol)… I am not making the stuff myself yet, but considering partnering with them to start doing it.
Just wanted to get some feedback from some people on here that are smarter than I am lol

EDIT: to answer your question tho, I am not 100%. If it is an emulsion, it is not like the rest of the emulsions currently out there. At least not like any I have seen (which are all pretty much nano emulsions)

I have played around with Mile High’s water soluble… Actually did some tests side by side with Mile High’s WS and this product… This product is very different than what Mile High is offering.

I have only seen clear water soluble once. The way they explained it was that they have a mixture of particle sizes.

I have only made clear water soluble when the cannabinoid loading was around 3%.


Hmmm, interesting. Do you know what the particle sizes were? Like Nano & smaller?

They did mention being well below 1 micron.

We are currently working on the same thing. Was a total surprise. And it is an emulsion, not nano. Although not totally clear, its not milky looking either. We do have an actual OC on board that is working on this. I am very intrigued by your ability to produce it completely clear.

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Average was 100 nm

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I think people are using cyclodextrins for this process, there was some discussions on one of the earlier solubility threads. Here is a recent paper:

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A relevant patent:

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Yes sugars are utilized for this process. I have found a mixture of sugars that can get you a 40% cannabinoid loading is clear, and has no bitter taste. There is no cyclodextrin involved in this process.

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Funny, they said it was a total surprise as well… :thinking:
It’s not me producing it yet, so I can’t take credit.
It’s another lab that we may partner with and they would provide the IP.
The cashout is just significant so I wanna do my due diligence beforehand.

Look forward to hearing how it pans out for you guys as well!

thanks! same to you.

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@ShearGuy thank you both for the feedback, it’s much appreciated.
Gonna dig into this cyclodextrin stuff.

@anon93688 Do you have any links of anything that’s freely available on this process? (totally understand if you’re not down to give it away, I probably wouldn’t either lol)

Does the company you’re working with happen to be in Boulder?