Can someone post a premium vape juice recipe without dimulsifier ***help***

Well I guess I’m kind of the person that has to try something and see if it turns out good and great if it doesn’t my taste buds on the only one that can tell, now that’s where the wax liquidizer makes the same live resin taste wonderful like grape wonderfulness, the PG VG mix was cloudy after stirring 4 hours I even tried Heating, eventually I gave up and put the salad dressing in the cart… That’s the thing it kind of tastes like salad dressing to, not my grape wonderfulness… I don’t know if maybe without the Majin izer the PG VG mix just isn’t the recipe for me Maybe with distillates… Between thanks for all the help anyways you’ve been a great pleasure help me in all kinds of ways so many different facets thanks all

That crazy word near the end supposed to be homogenizer, don’t know what happen

A Vegetable Glycerin extract solution is achievable without any surfactants. You just have to follow the correct method for processing. The above image is a VG-BHO solution for tinctures, 70% VG, 30% BHO. The solution has a shelf life of 90 days, then it will start to separate.


Okay The Vape juice I picked up from out west was a see-through gold that’s what I’m trying to achieve

What’s your preference on terps as a cutting agent? Let’s chat I could use some better pricing I just bought some small drams but will need a lot more for commercial purposes.

I personally think terps should be the only cutting agent. Email me and we can work out whatever you need

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So I’ve been thinking lately, since I don’t have access to distalites, if after blasting during cryo phase, if I pour the liquid off I get clear crystals left, tons… If I take those out, jar, but just let melt back and crystallize again, will this be the best material for me to start with? Or just live resin and more terpines or viscosity from true terps,I have farm to vape on the way gonna try it, thanks buddy

Farm to vape is week to us it everyone has there own preferences. I use 70/30 and never has an issue or complaint it works well. Not sure about kive resin

Friends, good day, I take the opportunity to consult them because I thought the thread was very relevant, you could reach the same result with resin extracted from the press, I have a 6 ton press, and good material to work, I thought I would press the material in 85C to 100C and then mix in magnetic stirrer. I have PG GV and PEG400, mtc I can also buy, I had read that only with peg400 works quite well. Where I live the homogenizers are impossible to buy … I’ll have to settle for the magnetic stirrer for heating. Do you think it is possible for you to achieve a good result?

Where you live you have the Internet? Seems like you could buy one online. Your probably going to buy the carts online right?

You can get online for sure, but I’m trying to stay away from any thing like peg PG VG…

Now I stick to the terps

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argentina, here there are no homogenizers, and importing them is difficult, I would like to ask you if from the pressed material, you could reduce its viscosity and greasiness with a magnetic stirrer to heating and then dilute with mct pg gv or peg400 and try it as best it is … what do you think? Vaporizer atomizers if I get them. Regards! and since thank you very much to all friends.

I don’t think pg or peg is a good solution. Cut with terpenes. Can you get an ultrasonic bath? That may work better than your stirrer.

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hi Soxhlet! Of terpenes could you tell me some? there is no here for sale, we would have to do them … :frowning: … and importart, they would not retain the access … Ultrasound bath there are these for sale … will they serve? How would the process melt the wax with the terpenes? ultrasonic bath thinners with wax? ?

that’s worth 3000 usd, I have no chance to buy it, would it work?

it would work. it is also major overkill.

I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around biology labs not having access to tissuemisers. Or issues with import after ebay score…

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You can steam distill them yourself from plant material. You can either distill from cannabis flowers or, make a blend from more common plants to mimic marajuana. The ultrasonic bath is probably the cheapest, get a heated one. Ebay is a good source for equipment, have you looked there?

Cheapest way is non canna steam distilled Limonene (terpene) and MCT oil (coconut oil c8 + c10)

I use about .4-.75 ml of MCT per Gram of concentrate. With 5-10% terpenes by total weight of mixture.

Heat wax to about 250F on stirrer plate for 30-45 minutes to decarb.

Reduce heat to 150-160F.
Add MCT…
Stir another 30-40 minute.

Reduce heat further to 120F
add terpenes
Stir for additional 30-40 minutes.

Tip-If your concentrate is not dewaxed or " winterized" youre going to have a bumpy road.
If wax build up forms on bottom of stirrer container or sidewalls, leave it there… Dont scrape it /melt it and stay away from it with syringe tip when filling. These are “useless” fats and waxes left behind by incomplete filtration / winterization.

I picked up a handheld D160 homogenizer brand new from for about $420 including probe (I should have got the 10 or 14 inch instead of 5 inch. Works but ideally in small glass vials beakers or test tubes.)

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MCT oil doesn’t give any flavor, someone told me does why I ask

Sounds like it works the exact same as viscosity from true terps!

I haven’t had enough to make any lately!