My starting material is 1L of 30% Delta8 distillate. I was thinking to put this in a 2L boiling flask, turn up the heat, have a slow stirring happening, expose it to fresh air with a fan, maybe put it outside so its getting some sunlight. If I set this up and left it for a week, does anyone know if I would end up with some CBN? I’m OK just getting 10%-15% CBN. The goal is a full spectrum distillate with some CBN in it.
You can only get cbn from thc so if there s any thc that might isomerize but not at that yield
Good point, ok I changed the starting material to Delta8 THC.
30% d8 and trying to convert to cbn is going to have 80-90% unknowns in it and would not be safe for consumption. shoot your 30% d8 is not safe for consumption.
i agree, unless his 30% d8 is mostly cbd (assuming that was the starting material?)
if it is, you could convert it properly and then easily pull off 10-15%
@alchemy what is the 70% remainder in your 30% d8?
The 70% remainder in the D8 is mostly CBD will a bit of D9 and other minors in there. This is full spectrum medicinal distillate, to be used in tinctures with MCT oil. If we were able to convert about half the D8 to CBN, I think it would be a win for tincture to help with pain, sleep, etc.
I sell CBN, so I’m obviously biased, but I would STRONGLY ADVISE AGAINST any consumption of CBN which hasn’t been purified. The conditions required make it a very messy process. If the gods are with you, you MAY be able to achieve 10-15% conversion, but we have identified distinct toxic compounds which form alongside CBN in differing ratios depending on the method used. Purification is a must.
From my extensive experience dealing with every conceivable CBN conversion method out there over the past year, I advise against the method which you have detailed. If you were to make CBN separately and purify via chromatography and crystallization, only THEN adding it to your medicinal distillate, I think that would be a much more effective and SAFE way to go. Likely more economical as well.
Even if safety wasn’t the primary concern, which it always should be, I can tell you right now that just heating and stirring in atmosphere won’t result in anything close to what you want. But if you do try, start with 10g batches.
Will you pls give names of the toxic compounds you mentioned?
Most are unknown, which in its own right could be much worse or better than the known compounds.
I’ll let @Benz3ne elaborate on the toxic known compounds from his reaction.
The compounds I had in mind were two forms of hydroxy quinones which we have observed in combined concentrations of up to 8%. To my knowledge before today, quinones are generally known for their acute toxicity. However, apparently cbd quinones may be BENIFICIAL in some ways, notably as an anticarcinogen.
I’m not sure how I haven’t come across this before now, but it gives me a slight peace of mind about people doing conversions with no purification. I still would not recommend giving any product which has not been purified to a general consumer. And if you’re just looking to make cbn there’s a ton of resources on this site about it.
good advice on the safety, but this statement isnt true. ive made 30% on a hotplate, then ran it through my shortpath and ended up at 45% in my main fraction. it can absolutely be done.
with no catalyst? just heat?
170c, bubbling atmosphere through it ** is key, without it you probably wont break 15%
not quick either, about 35 hours i would start to see the reaction rate drop off
i basically just beat the shit out of an oil as best i could lmao
Sure, 30% is possible, but the final distillate made wouldn’t be anything you’d want to consume or sell. I was saying just cooking it wouldn’t result in a clean final product. Further purification is necessary
Youre specifically saying OPs situation would only lend itself to those baby conversions, I presume?
Have you attempted photochemical conversions? What conversions have you gotten from that and do you believe it to be safer than other methods?
Yeah i’ve tried with 253nm light and a whole bunch of solvents and catalysts temperatures etc.
Some methods are better than others, highest yields from photocatalytic were 40-50%.
No, I don’t think it’s safer, due to so many unknown possible reaction pathways and reactive radical species that are possible when uv is introduced. But overall not a horrible way to go especially with the relatively low temps required.
There is more information in the CBN creating thread if you’re up for some reading
253 NM why
It isrealy singlet oxigen you need to create better lamp better yield still no sulfer iodine or pd/c yield but better than 50%
Hello, sources to the methods you investigated? More particularly the ones you saw 40-50% conversion please. Due to an improper lab and equipment, I believe my only option is to try UV and O2 with a photocatalyst then purify using wiped film. I’m also thinking of dissolving the distillate in ethanol to make it less viscous.