Straight up: What is your opinion on the importance and the role that callus formation plays in the cloning process?
Do you use callus formation as an indicator of successful clones?
Do you care about callus formation?
Do you induce its formation?
I’ve been doing a lot of research on plant anatomy and cell culture for a grow that I’ll be working with and in my time working with the grower I’ve heard them say that the callus formation is the signal that they wait for to make the call that the clone is going to make it. I really like that idea because the callus will seal off the wound and can give rise to roots but I’m curious to know what the general community thinks about this technique or if it’s a widespread practice?
For those that are unfamiliar with the term Callus - callus, In botany, soft tissue that forms over a wounded or cut plant surface, leading to healing. A callus arises from cells of the cambium. When a callus forms, some of its cells may organize into growing points, some of which in turn give rise to roots while others produce stems and leaves. Thus a callus may be capable of regenerating an entire plant.
Here is a picture of callus in plant cell culture:
Plant cells demonstrate the ability to be totipotent, that is: a single cell in a plant can give rise to a whole other plant if given the correct hormones - unlike animals cells that are LOCKED into their roles (I know people are messing around with inducing some mammalian cells to be pluripotent) this is how plant cell culture is possible.
I’ve never given thought of the importance of callus development, but I don’t see it all the time even from the same mother. Clones could be next to each other in the tray and some will have it and others won’t. I’ll have to go back to my notes to see about overall plant health. Very interesting topic though. Thanks for sharing
Never really thought about the callus or it’s significance, always looked at overall development. I think of the callus as a by product of a healthy plant simply healing.
It’s similar to people who decide to start working out again. First thing they say is I want a better body, well a better body is simply a by product of consistent resistance workout and a decent diet where your at a calorie deficit. Similar, I don’t think a callus on clones is a goal but simply a by product.
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For you it’s an indicator of a healthy plant but not something that necessarily has to exists for a successful clone?
I too would suspect that if the plant if healthy enough to generate callus that it’s doing really well.
Yes, you would be correct.
Have you ever read the book “what a plant knows” by Daniel Chamovitz?
Great read if you haven’t. It’s written in a layman or not so in depth technical way.
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I see callous as it is, a stem cell like growth that has the potential to differentiate into any organ. I like some swollen callous on my clones because I think this provides them with the initiation sites for adventitious roots mid-late flower. I have not tested this however.
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I believe ive seen a correlation between a strong callus induction and more dense root growth. I feel like clones with more dense roots transplant better, and take off quicker.
Slownickel turned me on to the importance of callous in clones, makes a big difference if you pay attention to it. Clones - #48 by Slownickel
Nature Farm Guy teaches how to callous clones -
A callus on your root is an indicator that the pud has been pulled much too much .
Are we in oasis cubes , cocoplugz , aerocloneziushydrofoam?
Ive definitely callused a clone to hard. There’s a window.
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