Butane membrane? Anyone seen this?

Your bias is showing

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Even if its ethanol do you have proof no cannabinoids permeated?

How do you release a membrane with no analytics?

Serious question

Btw @thesk8nmidget have you been watching the stuff @AlexSiegel has been doing with his pigment tracker?

Just because that ethanol looks clean doesn’t mean it is

Wow you doof. That is ethanol coming from crude. I called the permeate “water clear” to describe it’s color. Do you not see the very video shows it coming from a drum of crude solution?

I will be posting a real-time video today or tomorrow showing it recovering a whole 55 gallon drum of crude solution, at that rate.


That’s the nicest crude I’ve ever seen if so lol

Nice " crude "

So do you have analytics showing no terpenes pass?

I like how your shit talking garbage energy turned into free advertising for someone else.

Just be a decent human, it’ll get you way further in life.


The issue here is you falsely claim things to try and make yourself look better than the competition when in reality everything you claimed in your previous posts were made up claims.

You sit back and talk about how much you and your partner laughed at him using water to test on his Instagram post, when in reality you just made yourself the joke by openly admitting you can’t comprehend the term water clear as a description of clarity. And it’s mort important to you to throw people under the bus before you even take a few seconds to see the video is feeding from a solution of ethanol and noids.

But now you will back peddle and argue it’s not the right crude to test on.

What is is? Water he tested with or the incorrect crude?

Do you see how this makes you look kinda scummy and bad? It’s going to push people away from you even if your system is superior.


Lol decent humans don’t make customers sign non disclosure agreements when they get a bad skid returned

I can say no ones ever returned a piece of my equipment, can you say that @MagisterChemist?

How am I making false claims? I’m asking for analytics because @MagisterChemist has sent terpene seperation membranes to a customer of his and never even told him that they’d pass terpenes

That’s not bad though right?

Or releasing a membrane with no analytics

These are the quotes I’m taking about. Each one is a false claim that you used as an opportunity to bash competition over an assumption that they were using water and not ethanol.


And here’s why I ask for analytics

This customer returned his skid btw

If you wanna bash competition I really recommend you stick to facts you can back up and not bash or attack on assumptions alone.

It’s an awful look that will cost you clients.


It didn’t take long for this conversation to derail.

I did appreciate when I was learning new things about a new technology tho.

KingoftheKush, you’re a magnificently intelligent person. Why is every single other membrane salesmen your mortal enemy? Did they all run a train on your sister? I don’t know, but I’d love to see your minds working together. That’s my piece.


Come see me and mjbizzcon and let’s talk

I’ll show you some things that’ll explain

I can also give you a live demo while you’re there


I’m happy to come check out skid and talk shop, I know you have a good thing going and I am stoked you have made such progress in this field, it’s all exciting to me and I just love learning more about the process.

The only part that rubs me wrong is the constant attacks on competition. You could go about this in a better way that won’t give you a bad look or cost you customers in the process.


Remember me and you made that pact a year ago to put everything aside to try and help clean up the forum and make it a better place?

I feel like I’ve really improved since then, the last thing I need to work on really is this.


Well someone’s gotta do it, and Elliot is gone


I use to be far worse im sure @thesk8nmidget will attest


That’s like slapping someone in the face and then patting yourself on the back for not punching them :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

But at least we’ve moved into self awareness.


Yeah you were lol

It was comical to say the least when you were trying to fight into the falling film game using those tactics lol