Burning terpenes back out of distillate

I have recently ventured into making carts from distillate, using an 8-10% Terpene to distillate ratio. I have been having a lot of success using a mag stirrer/hot plate as well as a homogenizer, and all of the terpenes I’ve used have been solid with no issues up until now.

The terps used in my last batch were not bad by any means, but they did not create the effect/flavor that I was after. I am wondering if it is possible to reheat my disty mix to a point where the terps will vaporize out but leave the disty in tact for a second run of a different strain, or will it create a new issue such as over oxidation, color change, etc.

If you are familiar with disty then you know that when distillate is originally made, it’s heated to a point where the natural terps vaporize and the thc activates, leaving you with the terpless base. So general thinking leads me to believe that it’s possible, but it’s still only a guess.

Does anyone have experience with this? Or know what heat range it needs to be kept in to avoid damaging the product but to potentially rid itself of terps?

Any info or help is greatly appreciated!

You could redistill it, but that’s about it


Spd7 will strip all terps from your Distillation batch with out harming them.

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What equipment are you working with?

IMO it’s not worth the effort to redistill and then remix etc I’d probably just toss it or sell it at a discount :person_shrugging:

You’re not gunna have good results simply trying to vaporize the terps at atmosphere it’ll taste like shit and probably really effect the color of the resulting disty


Read that a second time OP. This is what my experience says as well.


I can’t see why you couldn’t throw it in a vacuum chamber and remove them.

@Medicine.grower volunteers to clean your vac oven for you if you decide to go that route😂


Hey I didn’t say that lol


This is absolutely accurate. You can’t really use a vacuum oven to pull the terps out of the mixture without enough heat to degrade the terps…redistilling is the answer!

Btw…10% terps seems nauseating…are you working with botanical or hemp/cannabis derived?

Awesome thanks for the feedback!

In that case I think I’ll just keep it as it is.
No point in discoloring/ruining good distillate!

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Nice thanks for the info!
I use mostly cannabis derived terps but add a small amount of botanical and some flavorless terps to help thin it enough to work in a cart.
From what I understand 8-10% is pretty standard, it’s hard to get it to burn through a cart without plugging with 6% and under in my experience. What ratio do you recommend?

Use a bic lighter to warm up a glass cartridge

rather than altering the product to work with the cart, you might consider changing the cart to work with the product…

as far as burning the terps out, what do you imagine burnt terps are gonna taste like?

not a particularly accurate description of the process.

  1. decarb is explicitly done prior to distillation. otherwise things get messy. some do perform this step in their distillation rig.
  2. process is done under high vacuum to lower the boiling points of everything involved. this also removes the O2, which is critical if you don’t want to wreck your product.
  3. it’s not just the terps that vaporize (and condense), the cannabinoids are ALSO vaporized (and condensed).

with a solid understanding on how this style of distillation is run (and why), you would be correct that mimicking (redoing!) the devolitilization (devol) step would get you where you wanted to be. I’m guessing you don’t have access to a vacuum pump (or any of other equipment required), in which case you should probably just run what you brung…


Exactly right, I don’t make distillate, I just use it so I don’t have access to the equipment run it through again. I was just curious if there was a way to get rid of terps without running it through again, and was looking for more info on the distillation process and how the terps vaporize. Which now I know it isn’t possible without a legitimate set up so thanks for the information it’s greatly appreciated!

Although I wouldn’t call my description inaccurate, maybe less detailed and specific, I’m glad that you were able to give me a real break down on the process and how it works, which gives me a better understanding. Thanks again!


would you risk adding another terp and more distillate to match ratio and try and make a mix?