Bulk Hand Sanitizer & Supply

Hey gang, we have a factory & fulfillment center in Dallas producing 1M units every 10 days.

Have 8oz packaged bottles, labeled, shrink wrapped. 80% Alcohol Gel, sport top bottles currently in production (cheaper than pump tops, but those are also available.)

Prices fluctuate daily & week to week, so pricing is on based on current demand & quantity. Truckloads (~60k units) are currently priced in around $3.15/unit.

Can do Liters, Gallons, or Tankers. Also have supply of bottles, tops, labels, gel, ethanol, and ethyl alcohol.

Only 3.15 each when you buy 60k units? What a steal! I bought 2 8oz bottles at rite aid for $6.00 yesterday


Yeah retail markup is insane

Pretty sure he bought two (2) bottles for $6.00. Think he was being a little facetious…


If you’re trying to get rich off of this virus like some people

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Just a little🤏


tired of random chem labs all coming out with their own hand sanitizer now to try and ride the gravy train gimmick. always 7 bucks for a TINY bottle that used to be 1$ at the dollar tree. fuck off lmao the artifical inflation on the prices is just seriously past insanity.

All of you beginner no-name manufactures put the markup blame on your boss’s boss but we all know you guys just mark the shit up because its a hot item rn. acting like your Purell or Germ-X …your’e literally selling iso alcohol gel with scents added , most likely bare minimum lab standards compared to actual big dogs who sell this stuff. stop acting like that shits gold. if you wanna make a name for your small biz, maybe enter the market no asking top dollar when you have zero reputation behind your product.

to make matters even worse, apparently the governemt banned private sales of mask and stuff because price gouging is illegal. Yet these random labs pop out of NOWHERE, and are legally price gouging us with hand sanitizer. so all the big corps benefit while all the little guys trying to pay their bills selling masks are arrested and shat on.


No shit, this is past ridiculous.

Plus why would anyone pay this much, I saw a pint bottle (wtf with that anyway) at 711 for 5 bucks the other day.


youre lucky, ALL im seeing in my local stores are all small 8 oz bathroom-size bottles for like 7 bucks. Usually all from random trash companies like this, so I am just waiting for this to go back to normal becuase right now every single “named” item in this pandemic has been price gouged to absolute shit for absolutely no reason. gloves, hand san, anti bacterial wipes. ALL charging 3x the price for the same amount. Then they named beef and now all steak and chicken is 3x their usual price as well. I hope the old rat bastards profiting from this stuff burn in hell. this includes @BoofGang

somehow purell, germx etc have had months now and STILL cannot supply any store I visit. what the actual fuck is the illuminati shit going on behind the scenes?

This whole thing is really shining a light on the real shit people that we kinda already knew were total shit but this is just confirming it.

I shipped a few dozen masks to a customers store a couple weeks ago to help keep the employees safe and comfortable and when I went over to check in with them the other day to see how things are going they were selling them for $15 at the door or you can’t go in. Also had CBD hand sanitizers for $20. Can’t make this stuff up people really suck


Luckily me and the gf already had a good stock of stuff, and I’ve never been a huge meat eater, so I’ve managed to avoid getting gouged.

Like @shattertramp said, we’re seeing how shitty people actually are right now.

I can’t wait to move to the sticks and stay as far away from people as possible. We’re awful.

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Im stocked for the moment, but it wont last forever and figured by month 2 they would have their shit together atleast as far as supply goes. I feel the media keeps fucking everything up, everytime they mention something getting scarce everyone and their mother goes out and buys a 30 day supply.

Ive switched to pork for now as the prices are still good.

I fully agree, my end goal is having a nice family in a cabin mansion in the hills of colorado. one day <3

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Southern Colorado is my home, I miss it so much!

I’m happy living in south Florida. You guys can have Colorado.

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ive also lived in florida, I like the energy and night life but, colorado is more my vibe. Im into tiny living in forests and a shittttt load of weed, id be able to caregive and get a nice solar system and live 100% off solar energy until I get enough money to get a nice suburb house. recently just lost my fiance , she wasnt happy so we did a mutual breakup few days ago , so now my dream is possible again. i like being by myself anyway just get lonely sometimes

When shit hit the fan I bought a 55gallon drum.

Ain’t nobody running out of iso around here

for sure.

the posts i’m seeing of labs giving back to their local community with their huge surplus of iso/gloves are awesome and what I think is what all of them should be doing. But most are just taking all their extra surplus and packing it up and sellling overpriced hand sanitizer to chain stores who can’t get purell

for example a guy on here passed out a bunch of stuff for free to keep his hood safe can’t remember who it was tho…class act for sure but honestly shouldn’t be such a rare occurrence , bevause we are NOT dumb and know that the 3 main ingredients it takes to make the hand sanitizer are literally cheaper than dirt

I can’t stand the humidity here out east. I’ll never get used to it. It’s like you’re drinking the air out here lol.

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Ugh the past 2 days were brutal.

It’s still weird to me when it’s so humid the cardboard in your house feels soggy lol. Even with a dehumidifier running 24/7.

Back home, a humid day was 40%!