Bulk CDT’s available direct from manufacturer. Strain specific, single source. Polished and refined to water clear. Most competitive pricing on this platform and others. Direct message for information.
Can you explain how cannabis can be legally grown in CA and the derivatives (even cannabinoid free) can be shipped world wide?
There are no active cannabinoids present and when shipping fall under essential oils.
How do you get them OUT of metrc?
Most of the CDT guys out there (Terplandia who this guy is, and others who I could name but I won’t name drop competitors in his post) don’t have to take it out of metrc since it’s not IN metrc to begin with.
I Can’t speak to this guys operation, but one CDT provider I work with is up in Norcal and they grow exclusively FOR terpenes. They extract just the terps and ship all over.
I’ve tried the terplandia terps and they’re very good! Some strains were killer. I’ve used 'em to stretch our HTE out since we never seem to have enough just from our own inhouse extraction.
Now as for how to get something OUT of METRC…well, that’s a separate discussion. While I would never advocate doing that, there are ways, just depends on your tolerance for risk and whatnot. $70k for my METRC tek bro all day I’ll set you up
(that was a joke btw).
I’m such a stickler for compliance on my end, I just can’t imagine risking a multi million dollar investment and license hustling shit out the backdoor, but if you’ve worked with METRC for more than a few weeks the holes in the program become very apparent.
Which goes back to, if those are “Marijuana” terps, they need to be IN metrc, or y’all need to call them “hemp” before I can buy them….
Well said Mr. Clean.
Very familiar with the other(s) companies you are referencing. No need for names as you said. lol it’s a small world of producers on the manufacturing side of terps.
Also thank you for the positive feedback. It’s appreciated. The terps speak for themselves. When did you purchase them and are you still ordering?
“we use real cannabis!” and “we don’t use METRC” don’t work well together given the regulatory framework as it currently exists.
if you don’t wish to explore that, in public, then that is absolutely your prerogative, but please stop with the (DM) sales pitch. I am not interested, and don’t actually believe I could use your product legally in the OR market given OLCC’s stance on vape “additives”.
“cannabis derived” requires purchase from a licensed cannabis lab. in OR.
“hemp derived” requires purchase from a licensed hemp operation. not sure what else.
“botanical” requires extensive paperwork. we’ve jumped through that hoop once.
“we extract our terpenes from unlicensed california cannabis” doesn’t cut it.
“contains no cannabinoids” is great, and hemp IS cannabis, but I can simply not tell OLCC “don’t worry, they’re cannabis derived…yeah, we had them shipped in from california…no we can’t prove that, they don’t use METRC”.
telling the AHJ that your “THCA flower” is hemp, and your customers that it’s “cannabis”, seems like the most realistic route…I can see not wanting to explore that in public.
A post was merged into an existing topic: Industrial Hemp THC LIMIT (thc vs thca vs thc+thca)