Bulk CBD Isolate and KD10 Toll/Contract Processing

I want to start this post by thanking Future for hosting this incredible website. Our lab and team wouldn’t be where it is today without the combined knowledge of the community here. We are now able to consistently push out 100-150kg of 99+% CBD isolate every month.

We are currently running at capacity for biomass to crude processing, but we have plenty of capacity in the Helderpad KD10 to convert your own buckets full of crude into beautiful, golden distillate or 99+% isolate.


For those of you not drowning in crude, we also sell our 99+% CBD isolate wholesale. Here is a current price list for spot buys:

Riverleaf Biotech Price Sheet November 2019.pdf (168.0 KB)

Riverleaf Biotech is an Oregon Department of Agriculture-certified processor, using only hemp tested by ODA-certified analytics labs.All hemp products and materials going in or out of Riverleaf are analyzed in accordance with ODA’s strict regulations on potency, residual solvents, and more. We are also Level 2 Verified Hemp Slangers here on Future4200 and members of the Good Life Gang.

We’re excited to meet some of you next month at MJBizCon! We’ll be at the expo all three days and at the Good Life Gang house on Thursday! We’ll be sure to bring some goodies down from Oregon. (Any requests?)

You can contact me directly for sales inquiries, or if you want to link up at MJBizCon, or if you just want to talk about the mysteries of the universe. My name is Aaron.

Instagram @RiverleafCBD

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Oops, forgot to post the most recent COA:

Riverleaf Biotech Official November ISO COA.pdf (1.9 MB)

As you can see, the potency exceeds 99% and the residual solvents are below the limit of quantification. EVIO is one of the most trusted analytical labs in Oregon and they have stated our isolate is some of the purest they have ever seen! We are sure our potency levels are pretty damn close to 100% but EVIO’s tests aren’t accurate enough at that purity to give out a higher result than “>99%.”