building an extractor similar to the cup


:thinking: how does that compare, price wise, to the panda?

the CUP’s claim to fame is that you can go from 15% solvent loss to the biomass to 3% loss, by drip drying at 800x normal gravity. 1000g is my target min

While I can see where you’re going, I cant see how starting with a paint pot will get you anywhere close to what you need…I would posit that even a hobart would give better results (and they don’t work worth a damn).

I’d guess that the air powered mixer is designed for relatively low speeds, and has very little torque.

have you ever seen a top driven centrifuge? I haven’t, and I suspect there is a good reason for that.

the calculations to figure out the rcf from rpm are given in both Delta Separations CUP and Washing Machine "Salad Spinner" tek threads. do a little math & see what sort of rpm you need.

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