ive gotten tagged a few times so after reading.
i wouldnt go with a splatter platter on this small of an extractor. its really a waste on such a small extractor. we sell a lot of splatter platter extractors but the only reason i sell them is customers request them. its a larger cost not only making the base 2 parts but requires 2 clamps and gaskets which ups the cost.
so using your 2" spool…
Flat lid $130 /hemi lid $165 - both work fine but budget can determine
hardware for the top guage, valve, jic fitting - $40
6" hp clamp and gasket $45
6x6 welded base $125
6ft hose $45
Green 10lb tank - amazon $100
= $520 with hemi lid / $485 with flat lid.
Hemi lid will still help be able to catch the saturation point. I’m guessing OP is going for anything that’s gonna be grown in jars so that would help.
Other than that going only by PSI during recovery to catch when you can open the extractor is an option.
I would still to this day rather get my base cut and modified to have a platter with a jacket but I’m always over the top.
Yeah but a 6×6 spool with a 6" platter for OP might be a little better, less hassle and if OP recovers too much can just scrape the platter.
@Killa12345 I was saying a 6×12 with a splatter platter should help with a 1lb unit and my last posts were because @DrGreenThumb linked the bvv extractor with the 6×12 collection and I was trying to match that configuration to the budget given. In this case I still think a platter would help a lot but attached to a 6×6 spool not a 6×12.
Oh shit though… I didn’t even think of this one: What if @DrGreenThumb recovers less than one would think is enough and opens the platter and there’s still mad solvent leftover and dumps on OP…
a welded bottom base it is, plus it would be all round safer to learn how to pour out and recover with a full 6×6 welded bottom base
Went full circle on that one
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lol you sure did go full circle. That all makes sense to me - probably just go w/out the platter because yeah I’ll probably open the platter too early and dump it all out. Simple first. Although I’ll have to look into the mol sieve thing or making one - seems like that’s important.
Many thanks to @killa12345 and all the others who have contributed to this thread as well. I really really appreciate it. Thanks for the assistance. I’m going to keep reading and figuring my shiz out and start whittling down the parts list. you people rock.
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@Graywolf is an OG pioneer with everything involving extraction.
His site with a fuck load of knowledge is: https://graywolfslair.com
And this safety page is a solid trove of info:
And if you really really really want to go through a bunch of knowledge waiting to be absorbed by those willing to learn: