bubble hash storage

When it comes to storage of larger amounts of bubble hash what is you preferred method? It’s been quality dependent for me, when I used to air dry I would put it in a mason jar and cover the top with pantyhose so it let air in not to mold but it would keep most dust out, now I line a mason jar with parchment in effort not to have it melt to the glass. How would/do you store your stash

if money was no object, id store in an amber glass container, wrapped in parchment with a nitrogen atmosphere, keep from heat and light sources. I don’t know what options you have, or your budget. parchment + vac sealer is an option as well


Stored in parchment inside a Sealed mason jar in the Deep freezer!


That is usually how I go about it without the deep freeze tho, just a cooling in a wine fridge. Do you think a cooler environment would do better? my fridge is only at 50f

Best way I have found is to take the wet bubble and throw it in the freezer. Once frozen get a cardboard box with cardboard lid. Take bubble and get a grater that is fairly fine. Grate bubble into box onto parchment paper. Cover and leave till dry, wont take that long. It can then be cured in Mason jars with burping but I dont find it necessary.

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For a beginner what’s the math behind bubble hash? For example 10 lbs of sugar leaves and trim medium grade will make for much bubble hash. I guess what I am asking is I wanted to get started I making bubble hash how much time, effort , money to make 100k a year profit.

This is literally your first post. Lol.



Just hate my job , shelter in place with long hikes made me rethink my life. If I invested X worked X and was reasonably smart could I start a new career. Working on a informative blog/website right now. I am good of search optimization. Completely understand natural organic search but then what?

There isnt enough interest from smokers for bubblehash. Unless things changed in 8 yrs.

Bubble hash depends on input quality of starting material.

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Where’s the best ROI

It depends on what the market dictates.

Currently, face masks.


Hand sanitizer! I spent two months in Northern California hiking every day and then shelter in place. Made me rethink my life. So I started on an informational based website which is not ready yet. But it’s everything related to weed. I am good at understanding organic search and building links .
But then what? With a investment, hard work, multiple websites what can I do that’s not working at a car dealership like I am doing today? What direction?
Currently the world isn’t going to be normal for a long time and I am thinking of my next move.

What products are in demand in your area?
Bubble hash
Moon rocks

That what you should be asking and looking at.

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Thank you