Hey guys, was trying out a new vendor for our d8 kilo, and we received the package where the glass has shattered.
Any ideas on how to separate it from this jar into another jar and filter out some of the glass pieces and/or glass dust? Open to ALL IDEAS AND SUGGESTIONS.
Dissolve in alcohol and filter to 1micron. I’ve done it before. I don’t have a reference, but the FDA does have guidance on safe sizes of glass contamination in food.
This has happened to me twice. I handled each, in totally opposite ways.
Both catastrophes were my dumb asses fault. First time I froze a Mason jar, that was not meant to be frozen Was an easy fix. Kept in freezer a couple of days to insure max frozen solid. Placed over large bowl, removed larger pieces of glass. Used a lab squeeze bottle filled with etoh, and rinsed off frozen distillate. The etoh was so minute, not worth cleaning up.