Ok I get what your saying. So the volatile fraction won’t stick to the head condenser and contaminate the main body as it comes over. That makes a lot of sense, thanks for clearing that up for me. It would probably help with smell quite a bit compared to a triple cow setup.
I agree about usalabs. They do seem to have really good customer service and good about returns or replacement. It’s so cool to have this board and be able to share the best vendors and knowledge. Really amazing how much to learn here.
@anon42519203 I see that with some of your more recent runs, that you have two collection flasks before the second condenser, and in some of your older posts you have heads collection flask after the second condenser, similar to what you described in the beginning of this thread.
Do you try to collect the terps in the second flask and then the rest goes through second condenser and to the cold trap? Would it be better for someone learning to put the heads flask after the second condenser in case the mains start to make it past the first flask?
I am hoping to put together the most basic version of this setup so I can fully understand the separate fractions and how they behave. It’s fascinating to see how much more science is being applied here compared to a normal SPD.
Try using a SUPER saturated brine solution, or Super Saturated Mag Sulfate solution , or Sat. Bicarbonate solution in place of water. The common ion effect should help separate things better than straight H20.
I put another T with a flassk to carch any distilate that nakes it past when running so hot. I collected 250gs last run i would other wise have lost, there will be tour heads and such, but i just save it all to be water washed layer. Well worth it