Brass metal shavings

Does anyone have a problem with metal shavings after loosening the nuts of their high pressure clamps?

Every time I break down my system each clamp has a ton of brass metal shavings coming off the nuts.
I didn’t even notice until my second or third time using the system and now I’m so paranoid these shavings are getting into my system and therefore my extracts. I’m pretty certain I’ve seen some brass shavings left over on my titanium nail which would confirm my biggest fear.

I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong. After extensive searching on this forum the only thing I came up with that is even similar was over torqueing the nuts past 20 lb-ft usually resulting in the nuts exploding and that you should replace the nuts every so often.

I tested my usual torque technique which is mostly a feel thing using a normal socket wrench to wrist tight with very little leverage alternating between sides for equal distribution then a bit more pressure at arm tight using full leverage of the 7" socket wrench. I tested my usual technique with a torque wrench to discover my ‘torque feel’ is about 10-12 lb-ft.

So I’m not over torqueing the nuts. Why is this happening? Is this normal? Did I overlook something? Am I missing some sort of oil or grease?


It’s a good time to replace them once they start doing that more and more. It can cause them to leak midrun or not hold pressure to keep your system safe


Well it’s seems to have been happening since the first time I put the system together and hasn’t slowed at all. What does that mean? I received a bad batch of old nuts? Or is this just something everyone deals with and I’m being overanxious?
What is the proper way to mitigate the shavings getting all over everything when disassembling? Do people wear leather gloves when disassembling? Sometimes the shavings will imbed into my hand like fiberglass and it feels like I got a splinter there for a day or two.

could be poor threads on your bolts, or over tightening.


I’d replace em all.
Bolts and nuts are cheap.
A leak mid run is not…
(Might double up the nuts in the mean time, just in case)

Sounds like the bolt is what’s fucked if it keeps shaving your nuts


New bolts and silicone coated nuts and dont over tighten them


Will do. Thanks guys.

Wrong scale, inch lbs homie. Get yourself a torque wrench, and start with the values on this chart. 50in/lb = 4.16 ft/lb see how far they are apart? Btw get a 1/4 drive torque wrench, 3/8 drive will be out of the needed torque range.

While your disassembling look at the spring washers, they are probably making the shavings off the face of the nut.


omg I’m so stupid. Thank you!


No problemo brotha!

Stop using brass nuts, start using silicon bronze nuts.