Both Glass and Stainless Steel Reactor can be selected for your lab

Item Model/Manufacturer:5L/10L/20L/50L/100L
Description:Jacketed glass reactor has inner layer for stirring reaction and middle layer through the cold and heat source circulation.It work under vacuum.
Accept customization according to your needs.
Price/MSRP: $
Current location of item:LA
Estimated lead time: 2-3 working Days
Fulfillment: Direct from seller
User support / Warranty: twelve months

The bigger one is showing.

It’s certainly glowing. When is it due?


Please check your message.:pray: :pray:

Congratulations, @Amily ! So exciting! :baby_bottle::hatching_chick:


Stainless Steel Reactor are available.

glass reactor are on sale!

100L Crystallization Reactor is on sale!

Can’t wait till these guys switch to making tiny homes.


Explosion-proof and normal versions available.

100 L glass reactor with filter are in LA warehouse

More details of the glass reactor
Last one unit in LA