When I formulate I use a variety of herbs to target the specific issues that need treatment, this is a pretty neat little article even if it touts flower essences as a curative which I feel is pretty stretchy
Anyone else on here study herbs that are not cannabis?
I’ve done a decent amount of research into different herbs. Kanna, kratom, kava, St. John’s wort, ashwagandha, as well as other stuff that works on mood receptors. GABA, MDA/MDMA, serotonin analogs, etc.
DM me if you’d ever like to chat about anything specific.
Not really SO different. We’re just slowly shedding our biases.
So many of these drugs act in a similar manner, just on different systems in the brain and body. In my opinion, the idea of one drug being legal because the powers that be say it’s OK, and another being illegal because those same powers say it’s not OK, is completely ridiculous.
Especially when the trend is that the legal ones make you work better/faster or keep you docile, and the illegal ones… well, I’m sure you all know the rest.
Psilocybin/psilocin as well. Ketamine has had some success, and is available as a treatment for TR depression in the US.
I’m excited for when we get to the point of combining these drugs in very specific manners and dosages to make some leaps and bounds as far as progression in regards to consciousness. If we were to put some hard science to some of these experiences, we could learn a lot, I’m sure.
I attended LAPSS last year, first real legitimate psychedelic science symposium in 50 years, Dennis McKenna was keynote speaker- it was surreal and amazing but yes the times are a changin’
Speaking of combos- one of the first alkaloids I isolated and crystallized was harmala from Syrian Rue- harmala and harmaline alkaloids are present in many plants, including in different ratio in the ayahuasca vine but to a much lesser extent in passionflower and scorpion skin (it’s very UV reactive, hence why you can find scorpions with a blacklight) - it’s somewhat dangerous to just take on a whim due to its role as a monoamineoxidase inhibitor which also provides its effects.
Most people use the stuff as an admixture to greatly potentiate the effects of other drugs but I have found it’s effects as a low dose tea to be rather incredible and very powerful as an anti depressant and mood lifter- high doses get real real weird but so long as you’re comfortable not moving your body and stay in a dark room for a solid six hours it’s a worthwhile experience- the moment you start moving around you become extremely nauseous. Low doses just have a sort of a boozy effect on the vision, but no matter what a strict diet has to be observed otherwise you’ll end up in hypertensive crisis- tyramine rich foods will give you a massive headache.
The herbal side of TCM has been an abiding interest of mine for decades. Native American medicinal traditions and ethnobotany generally draw my attention. To me, the Native American and Chinese have a more wholistic approach to meds than our Western way. Schultes and those that followed after him do humanity a great service documenting plant uses.
Every culture on earth has herbal medicinal traditions, the western ones have just been scrubbed and bleached a lot more effectively.
You should see the traditional curatives used in the appalachians and southeast United States, some really amazing plants are being rediscovered as amazing medicines.