Boiling point of common terpenes


Looking for info on bubble points of common cannabis terpenes. Want to be able to understand how to preserve terpenes thru the drying stage!!!


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Fixed the title for you. It might help

Ya but I have info on boiling points but if I have many terpenes in my flower then it can potentially change to a bubble point and dew point.

I should have said terpenes in combination.

Evaporation point sounds like what you might be looking for

Usually in the past i have just googled “xxxxx boiling point” and have great success.

here is a quick result from google as well.


I think dooing r and d on vapor pressures and
Codistillation make more sense
Take steam distillation water evaporates and takes terps along
I think that’s the same thing when biomass is dried it’s the coevaporation of terps that make them more volitile

Terps don’t really have a boiling point since when the rolling boil happens it’s damages them. Terps have a volatile effect where they jump from flask to flask.

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Don t get mad !!!
But I copy pasted your design at 100 ml volume for terp fraqtioning