BHO oxidation help

Just wondering what’s causing the oxidation and how to prevent it?


Have 3 other jars of same material in different jars and none of the discolored specs

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What’s your logic behind “oxidized”?

“Particulate contamination” seems like a far better description.

“Oxidized” reads more like wishful thinking.


This is what it looks like after a whip. Weird that all the particulate contamination disappeared



In all seriousness though topping your jar with argon would chase the oxygen out and keep it from oxidizing. You can get small argon sets for wine and the like on amazon

Discolored specs might be terps concentrating in places. Or heroin. Either or. If pressure is building in the jar it does nutty things to consistencies and terps - same with rosin


i used a mason jar vacum sealer. just trying to figure out why it happens to some jars and not others


My money is on the negative pressure doing it. Looks like its just making the lil terpies collect with eachother. I do see this in rosin too when its a hella terpy jar and allowed to cure after its already nice and creamy

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I didn’t have any negative pressure when it initially oxidized. I just now used the jar vacuum sealer to try and see if that would work.

Another example.

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@DenverDabber303 (or anyone else), assuming “oxidation”, what is your explanation for the distribution of said discoloration with relationship to the oxygen in the system?

Mine is on a particulate catalyst.

Probably his magic dirt.


These are terpenes pooling up in the bubbles, once you fully homogenize the he THCa into the terpenes it will go away. Pull vac on it again or let it sit for long period of time and it will come back as the terpenes will settle to the bottom.

Oxidation is completely different than this.

I am in Denver too, Don’t hesitate to reach out.


Testable hypothesis.

Spin to test…

Never seen that. Pretty sure crystalline THCa has a higher density based on all the jars in our vault.


I agree with the others. Doesn’t look like oxidation. More like areas of concentrated extra wet terpenes, or particulate contamination (kief, powders, etc)


Amen to spin!

Ill send pics of rosin that looks similar with small pockets of terpenes up and down the jar.

@cyclopath You are correct the THCa has higher density but pockets of terpenes can get trapped below and look similar or exactly the same as OP’s pictures.

Here are two jars of rosin doing similar thing.


Hell yeah that’s funny just a little vac and it went away. Wondering what the science is behind that? Just helping it fully homoginize, or is it taking oxygen out of the concentrate?

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Particulate catalyst??? Cyclopathhhhh

Most likely little bit of both. When it’s in a badder like consistency like your pic the nucleation can continue and bubbles will form inside the THCa fraction and pool up terps inside. Sorry not the most scientific explanation but I see it all the time.


I’m with you, I think its just little terp pockets as the terps and THCa try to separate

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FWIW it could also be moisture in the extract reacting with the water soluble flavinoid/terps, discoloration as symptom is only one factor, its hard to see standard oxidative effects with so many hydrocarbons present in the concentrate, not sayin its impossibe but it is improbable, the introduction of water would coalesce and present an opportunity for oxidation under an otherwise inert atmosphere

Dry your extracts


this. we were keeping our chiller on overnight and it would create a lot of ice, was looking at product in the oven and noticed a drip of water in a crashed out pyrex, then our tek said there was sometimes condensation from our collection vessel that would be dripping water and during the pour most likely water could be getting into the extracts. our AC keeps cutting off also so need a controlled atmosphere and not so much ice build up on the machine. thanks all !

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Water can perform all kinds of tricks, all depends on how you prepare your water.

Get salty with it?
Lye to it?
Get it liquored up?
Just get it hot…

@Photon_noir just sent me a refresher on why washing your THCa with hot water is just plain dumb…

Sorry @PCGextraction

@moronnabis has also shared it with us in the past

So read “particulate catalyst” as “peculiar” or “particular” and forgive me my ignorance.

I’m simply not a chemist….

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