The group think here lacks something but I prefer not to squish it.
Since you @cyclopath seem to have “squished”
A few trichomes…fresh ones!.
Why not do yourself a favor and squish in the presence of a protic solvent.
Think about it as extracting the in situ “buffer” .
Take your handy solid state pH meter and pipette
A small volume onto the sensor. Measure the pH
Of the buffered volume.
Now once you get that number…take your pen and paper and calculate a bit.
Did you read the paper where they extracted
And identified 4000 chemicals from isolated trichomes?
This might be stupid but if the problem with putting solvent through straight keif is that it clogs what about remixing it with plant material ant a higher rate if only to make it more efficient? Instead of running straight flower and getting let’s say 25% maybe mix enough hash with flower to get 70% just using the plant material as a filter? I’m not all that versed in extractions so I’m really just asking.
You could maybe have good luck mixing marbles in with the kief considering they’re glass and inert or maybe getting some kind of inert balls to add to the kief maybe even using sieve beads who knows.
You can use distillation column packing (used for fractional distillation) and you can also use stainless steel wool, either one of which would work significantly better than glass marbles and if you do your extraction at cold enough temperatures they will aid in winterization as well.
I am building out a reflux column right now, so that I can run down crude, keif, and reclaim easily. Basically a warm column packed with pro pak with recovery valve at the top. You can add a polyscience to the column to work the temps but most of this material is going to be free of shit you don’t want already, and room temp gas seems to do the job.
Either way. The point is the pro pak distillation packing was the best shit I’ve used yet. But it’s expensive…
you can use glass beads or stainless steel ball bearings. and you will not run it like a normal extraction. it will be like a redissolve. once its fully dissolved it can be passed thru the system.