Item Model/Manufacturer: Sub Zero
Description: 2 of each. Solvent Tank, Material Column (holds 3-5lbs cured flower), Distillation Vessel, Collection Pot, Haskel Pump, Condenser, Vacuum Pump, Polyscience Chiller. Ball valves, gaskets, reducers, C clamps, braided hoses, quick connects, pressure gauges. Also includes 1 hot water heater, 1 extra material column, 1 extra haskel (needs to be serviced). This machine will allow you to extract THC/CBD from flower. Using butane you have the ability to produce shatter, pull N snap, sugar, crumble, diamonds and terp sauces.
Price/MSRP: $32,000 For everything or willing to sell compressor separately for $7500
Current location of item: Hillsboro, OR
Estimated lead time: Days
Fulfillment: Pick up
@Pupparoo They do but they have made some amazing product for us. We expanded and had to upgrade to a much larger system. The compressor is almost brand new and the manufacturer quoted the value between $10-$15,000. Since we’re including all the extra stuff with the sub zero’s we thought it was a fair price.
right? not sure they ever made one where the collection wasn’t directly under the material column. at least here they demonstrate the ability to get solvent into the column without putting the solvent tank 8ft in the air.
@AKiceprincess420 so if you can’t sell as a lot, would you consider $12k per system, without a compressor?
I always thought they way over priced there systems. I looked at the mayb 2010ish? And bogart and terpinator. I ended up on skunkpharm website and learned how and where to get parts a make for way cheaper.
@cyclopath Actually we can definitely do 24K for everything except the compressor. Let me know if you’re interested. I hope you’re having a great day!
Is fucking giant to. Didn’t think they made 3 inchers that were safe. Seems absurd to spend all that money on a overly certified cls then put a amazingly week link on it. Are they making high pressure single hinges these days or something? That would be pretty dope