BHO comes out almost like water(clear)

Not stupid, it’s easy to get things mixed up. Thca on raw material won’t degrade quickly. If you’re gonna store it for a year or two then yeah freeze it but id only use it for crude at that point. Freezing dried material fucks your yield up if you aren’t absolutely meticulous about your process.


When it comes to color, oxidization and light are your enemies.


Clearer is a good thing. Never heard someone have issues over clarity (being to clear at least)
Have a pic of this clear wax? I’m interested


I didn’t mean the extract itself, i mean the pour and how it looks after i let it sit for a few hours at room temp.
After all the butane left and i purged it it is super bright yellow looks like live resin and that was my trim run my nug run is still sitting in the jar…

But my yield was super low with this run and i think the reason is it was not dry enough and i put it in the freezer for too short or the problem was the freezing itself, so the butane couldn’t penetrate all my bud.

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keep in mind this was the trim run, i really dont understand why it has this strong taste and live resin like colour. the only thing i can imagine is that i only extracted 30-40% trichomes…

Wanted to go for yield and not taste for this run…

no you’re not stupid man that’s spot on! Yeah it does slow the conversion down as the THCA naturally degrades over time. I don’t have any science to back it up but I’ve noticed my extracts come out the same as they do when I run them fresh only if the material has been put in a jar in a dark closet. I’ve run the same material not put in jars and it came out dark and poopy, wouldn’t crystallize at all. In my experience the degradation is much more pronounced if the material isn’t stored under vac or simply in an air tight jar in a dark area.

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