What’s your vacuum level?
Have you done a side by side with a traditional system to show your superior results?
Would be good to see a kg or two ran on similar specs to really show off your goods!
What’s your vacuum level?
Have you done a side by side with a traditional system to show your superior results?
Would be good to see a kg or two ran on similar specs to really show off your goods!
I will try to get some good side by side content soon!
The vacuum level during mains is usually only 5-10 micron above the bottom of the pump. When my pump pulls 10 micron I expect around 10-15 micron at the pump. Anything higher is an indication that there is a vacuum leak, a large volatile fraction, or contamination in a line.
I’ve done a lot of casual side by sides and find it to work great next to anything so far. When it comes to ease of use and overall system design I think it blows the traditional competition out of the water. At the same time it distills fast enough to guarantee nearly no isomerization of the cannabinoids and with fantastic rejection of pigments.
Mines a 2L, I had a 5L but that one shorted on me. I have a digital I think 500ml one that I got a while back that’s a cheap ass one that does the stir bar function but I stay away from using it because it over shoots and I need to get rid of it or fix it.
Can confirm this system is the shit. I was present for its operation at least 20 times. Ease of use, vacuum depth, and adjustability. The only thing I did differently the 1 time I got the privilege of running it without Alex was add ln2 to the ss cold trap for an extra deep vac
Long time no see!
Ya it’s been a minute I reckon
these are cool. no more vac grease.
Exactly why I liked it. No chasing leaks and twisting flasks. Just replace orings periodically
Avoiding vacuum grease is one of the major improvements in this design over traditional systems.
Vacuum grease will travel with distillate anywhere the system allows them contact. Terpenes will mix with vacuum grease and warm cannabinoids will too.
Applying grease perfectly to 10+ glass joints is a task that I would call an art more than a science. On the other hand KF is German for “quick connect”. The kf fittings are designed for easy clean connections.
This is not a great photo but shown here is a terpene distillation setup that was made with parts from the better flange short path. This is setup at a large licensed lab in Sacramento.
(Pictured system is missing one clamp on the cold trap)
Using our custom flasks you will not be worrying about vacuum leaks or grease.
The cold trap is easily isolated using the valves shown so that volatile fractions can be smoothly removed as you go.
All that a lab needs is a mantle, pump, and a cold trap and you’re on your way to making high quality vape-grade terpenes from crude
That’s a great setup for terpene distillation. I love distilling terps on my SPD. This setup is more simple, though - better in my opinion. Having two valves to isolate both sides of the cold trap is clutch
Plus who doesnt want to avoid glass breaking! Turn it all to stainless.
Welcome to the future @SkyHighLabs!
Man you aren’t lying when you say that greasing joints is an art form. I am SO sick and tired of vac leaks.
Apologies if the format is not correct
Here is a video of that setup working. This can be done with just some of the parts included in the short path system. If anyone wants just a terpene distillation setup that is also possible.
That thing is killer! One day I’ll get me a Better Flange, especially if you have plans on releasing a 2L kit for us personal/caregiver guys.
I’m happy to make you a smaller system!
The steel head design will be slightly different to account for the smaller size. It’s actually more tested than the newer and larger designs
In the posted video is a 2L flask but this setup not optimized for cannabinoids. This is fine for terps
I’ll be taking this system to CannMed at the Pasadena convention center next week. Anyone in LA interested in seeing it in person can come by the Pigment Tracker booth and take a look
That’s a nice looking spd I’d love to give it a spin
This system will be run at Nug Labs in Oakland over the next week. I’m hoping to have plenty of footage of it running before mains, during, and at the end.
Although I won’t necessarily be using these parts this week, I want to provide the ancillary gear I recommend for the vacuum gauge, vacuum pump, and mantle.
Vacuum Gauge: The Navac brand vacuum gauges on amazon work great and are very cost effective. Pair it with an adapter to use it with the KF systems or glass https://www.amazon.com/NAVAC-NMV1-Micron-Vacuum-Gauge/dp/B07L772PKW/ref=sr_1_1?crid=39WMNVVNWW8EH&keywords=navac+vacuum+gauge&qid=1652037900&sprefix=navac+vacuum+gaug%2Caps%2C160&sr=8-1
Mantle: Across international has good logistical support for their gear and I haven’t had issues so far. They have reasonably priced UL options. https://www.acrossinternational.com/ai-digim-10l-300-c-2000-rpm-digital-heating-stirring-mantle.html
Vacuum Pump: I would find a good e28, e18, e30 from Edwards on eBay. You will pay $1500-$3000 rather than $6000 for a new one. Make sure it runs and vacuum tests well and comes from a reputable person. This is an example of one I might consider buying but it is a bit cheap. https://www.ebay.com/itm/144496459572?epid=10014898007&hash=item21a4a8ff34:g:kioAAOSwxyViUfrm
Hopefully videos of the system operating will be ready starting this week