Best up and coming breeders?

Soma and somango were the two… Still lingering around as I understand


Im sure someone had a advanced class in plant breeding :wink: and a gcms at hand :exploding_head:

Edit :smiles keep sticking togehter. …

If nobody does that the people selling 10k clones better not start talking to me about agronomic characthers.

The dude went silent on me after that…


Omg just watched the new jackass movie, they drink a cup of pig cum …said a pig cums like a large McDonalds cup full…how fucking gross. Then they dumped 5 gal pig cum on one the guys head…",puking noises!!!gaggg gagg!!!

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Bodhi tests his crosses. He has many different males too. Get on the train coach! All f1 hybrids too.


Bodhi has amazing genetics.

I second this

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I would check down south trailer parks. TONS of breeding going on there! You might have a flipper baby here and there though…

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