Best terps from floralplex

Maybe try getting a lawyer to send a threat of action. Easy and cheap first step


Not advocating or seriously recommending:

Rubber hose hack - state you are sending an $1,100 check, stake out the po box given.

Floraplex false advertises as made in the USA. In fact they only import drums and repackage. This somehow fits the definition of made in the USA, unless I am mistaken. The law is fucked. They also sold a thickener (advertised as flavorless terpenes) for 3k a gallon that was pure vitamin E acetate. It is like 15 dollars a gallon elsewhere and should have never been sold with the knowledge that it was going into cartridges. I kinda wish the feds fuxked them harder during cartgate.

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According to the Federal Trade Commission, “Made in USA” means that “all or virtually all” the product has been made in America. That is, all significant parts, processing and labor that go into the product must be of U.S. origin.

They didn’t define significant. Significant to function? Significant ratio of input? That’s a huge loophole. It’s like buying Chinese iron, but it’s “Made In The USA” steel as a significantly transformed product. Perhaps they should re-label those products “Born in the USA”?


Maybe people should just buy terpenes from alibaba

Not that anything is necessarily wrong with floraplexs terpenes. I bought like 10 gallons of terp isolates from them. Anyone need any? I mix strain blends myself including some with Cannabis terps. Hmu if you want great prices. 8d love to recoup some of my investment

“I get my limonene terps from Wal-Mart in the cleaning supply aisle.” -Probably someone


Made in the USA has zero credibility. Usually organic has close to zero. Usa government is in need of an adjustment, put kindly

My company is UL/cGMP/OMRI/“Made In the USA”/FIBL/REACH/NPA/IHSS/HPTA certified. It’s just like the Better Business Bureau- You gotta pay for the letters to play, homey.

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We chose bubblegum because it makes sense for the market. It is a polarizing flavor. I don’t like it, but some of the “juul” pod types I work with did like it. It’s a strong one, so go low on your %.

We also formulated their sour diesel. It smelt better in the bottle. Formulated, it smells somewhere between lemon/lime candy and a lemon riccola cough drop.

We’re going to try a couple other flavors that we got in the sample pack. All in all, the flavors are good for the artificial flavor profiles that are probably going to be in demand with a distillate based product.