Best SOG strains for lollypopping?

Its originally clone only from back in the day i dont know any breeders who have made a replica.


Preferred breeder?

I dont remember who was the breeder for the god bud. Iirc I got the seeds from attitude seed bank.

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7 to 8 weeks and massive main cola

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Damn colloseums had 2 running for 5 cycles never did i get a decent yield
I ever they made it to harvest
2004 way back what a trip the idea made sense i thought back then
But they never worked for me

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Ya it makes totals sense but im with you 9/10 times people tossed them after a few failed runs. I have seen a few good people run them but tou gotta have the perfect genetics and be on point


It’s definitely not for testing genetics. It’s for tried and true cuts. You needed to run insane numbers that would really be a problem if you fucked up cloning or your moms didn’t have enough cuts.

That’s why I put above. I really don’t wish this on anyone. It takes some serious time to run like this. It’s more than a full time job


All about the numbers, when you have 125 in the space of 6-10 usually and flowering in .5gallon. Ive had some good ones that it worked great for but not most

I feel you Killa and I’m lookin for a grower and a couple minions. I’ve been working 12-14 hours days so I get somewhere between 2 and 3 full time work weeks in every week :). I don’t mind it right now cause I’m obsessive and my life is riding on this thing. And yes I realize it is a crazy number of clones. I haven’t sat down to do the math quite yet but I think imma need like 2000 clones rotating every 2 weeks per 2ksqft with 3 vertical rows. So more like 6k. And that’s a 1/3 of my build out lol. But I’ll be spending almost all my time in the lab by then so… sucks for everyone else lol.

What’s your methodology for taking that many cuts? I take all of mine in Rockwool and have a 100% success rate. Super cheap and I would absolutely share with you how to do that.

A case of grodan delta 6.5 has 180 individual 4”x4”x3” blocks.

I use dip n’ grow cloning solution at the 10x dilution and I also use flying skull’s clone guard latex spray.

First, for block conditioning, I put 2.5ml per gallon of sensi bloom A&B. Drop ph to 5.5 and condition for at least 20 minutes.

Take blocks out and stack them up in stacks of 4 to 5 tall, all facing the same direction (meaning the bottom of blocks are all facing the same way). Stacking the blocks helps them drain via gravity. You just need to be careful not to drain them to much, getting a feel for right weight can be tricky. Just don’t let them get to dry.

Next I take my cuts and place them in water directly, then cut the tips of the leaves so there’s not to much “canopy” on the block.
Set in dip n’ grow solution for 30 seconds, then I place 8 cuts in every block.

Once all cuts are taken, I spray them with clone guard heavily. Spraying every surface of every leaf and stem.

Case of delta 6.5 is $180
Clone guard by flying skull is $36-38 for 16 oz
Dip n’ grow is $12
Sensi bloom A&B is $30 for a liter of both and will be enough for 400 gallons of block conditioning water, or 5 cases of delta 6.5’s. So 30/5=$6 of sensi bloom to the case of Rockwool.

So $236 and you can make around 1440 cuttings.
So $.163 each

I feed them as much as I need to to keep moisture content the same at least for the first week. Once you hit a week it helps to let them get dry to make roots stretch looking for more water. As long as humidity is above 60% you shouldn’t have to use domes for this either.


Lowes/HD sells a powder version of dip n grow.

I’ve been using DnG for 4 yrs. Iw. Best stuff ever. And I’ve tested 20 clone dips/gels/etc.

Imo, the powder version is a bit quicker to root, and easier to use.


I think it was you that recommended me to try the HD clone powders not too long ago, that stuff is great! I haven’t lost a clone yet and they root so fast now.

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All you need is a few clone machines. :money_mouth_face:


I like cloning machines, but never found a solution for it that was cheap enough for it, that and the maintenance of cleaning it all can be a bitch if you have an employee you have to babysit to make sure they do it correct

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Dip n grow is definitely my go to, I’ll check out the dry powder next time I’m in.

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Cleaning an aero cloner is easy

Dump used water, rinse well. 2 cap fulls of bleach, fill to mist rail with tap. Put all clone neoprene pucks and neo pots inside cloner. Saran wrap top. Run 24hrs
Rinse 2x. Refill with tap, add 30ml 34% h2o2. Run 24hrs
Rinse 1x
Fill with tap. Run 24hrs.

Let fully dry.

I have 10x 25site aero cloners.


So it takes you 3 full days to get it clean?


I love the aero cloner and might give it another try. It would definitely be a quicker transplant into an RDWC system.

I only have a small cloner, but the dish washing machine is great at cleaning my aero cloner just don’t use the heat dry cycle because it might melt on you :joy:

I clean my cloner in a similar fashion. The advantage here isn’t time…its labor.