Best Remedy for Persistent Nausea?


My mother in law has had some very persistent nausea that becomes dehabilitating for days at a time.

She takes lots of Gravol and only help minimally.

We tried a 5mg thc gummy today, and it helped for an hour or so, but then it came back with intensity. She also wasn’t a big fan of how it made her feel.

She’s intensely against smoking or vaping, but wondering if we have any remedies that anyone recommends?

Ginger tea came to mind, anyone got any cannabinoids or home remedies that might work?

It would be a big QoL improvement if she could manage it better.

Thanks :slight_smile:


ondansetron is what I’ve always gotten for that


D8 is magical for nausea there’s a reason they give it to kids in Israel with cancer

It’s the only medicine that’s been found to completely prevent puking after chemo


Do you have that study handy somewhere?

@Kingofthekush420 is right—it’s a super super effective anti-emetic.

More conventional drugs that are typically given would be like zofran


abrahamov1995.pdf (478.0 KB)


Missed the link at the top…thought you’d responded with only screenshots.

Came back to post

Only to recognize that you had actually uploaded it…


Any experience with how much more effective d8 is than d9 for nausea? I might switch my relative over to d8 if its a noticable increase in efficacy.


Presumably her physician has ruled out vertigo caused by migrated canalith?

The Epley maneuver is on my moms wish list at the moment, but having had all the vertebrae in her neck fused complicates matters greatly.

Excuse me ma’am have you considered cannabis for your canaliths?

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That procedure sounds minor, but it’s affect on a person’s nausea can be profound if that is what the cause was.


Yeah Zofran is usually what I use too when my nausea attacks happen.

Autistic bad gut. :octopus:


My contributing answer to this thread though is to mess around with Ginger.

The Effectiveness of Ginger in the Prevention of Nausea and Vomiting during Pregnancy and Chemotherapy

If you have access to a fractional distillation unit you can potentially get a good anti-nausea result.

Not too sure on the actual science but you could probably mix ginger with disty and possibly make an anti-nausea.

Ginger Tea is a way to go but I would mess around with extracting it into a paste or something like that and turn it into capsules.

After reading the chemotherapy part, im almost 100% certain you should be looking into Zofran or something alike.

Cannabinoids can help the side effects of the Zofran and chemotherapy but I’m not sure about nausea alone.

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Had gastroparesis misdiagnosed as chs for a long while.

I know OP said no vaping but any concentrate that was more diamond/sugar and less terps helped my gut without getting me too zooted or spaced out.


My mother just beat cancer. I made her gummies and chocolates with D8 and some minors and she swears it was the only thing that helped her nausea. She also had chemo and radiation so she was really really sick. I had given her some D9 treats same recipe just with D9 and she said they were better with pain mgmt but nausea was bad. Overall she says the D8 worked the best for her stomach issues.


When my wife was going through chemo for her first cancer battle, I made her some D8:CBD dabs and I would say it helped 2x or more with her nausea compared to D9. That was the only reason I had purchased a few ounces of D8 distillate was specifically for after her chemo treatments.


I’ve been using D8 vape pens since 2015ish to cure the nausea I get when I fish out on the ocean. Works great


Peppermint Oil. On a gauze pad held close enough to your face to huff the vapors a little. It’s not a strong drug like D8 or ondanstanteron but it can help bring you back from the edge of the toilet. And I don’t think using it would interfere with other medications.

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My mother, and sister-in-law, both experienced Vertigo, and mom said the ginger pill worked like a charm; Find Your Relief Now - Bonine

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How about she goes to doctor to see what’s wrong first.

I should’ve specified, she’s been to multiple doctors, a couple specialists, and gone for multiple scans.

Nobody has been able to figure anything out.


Is there a difference between the different forms of nausea wrt to treatment?

I know for motion sickness I’ve had luck using “seabands” but I wasn’t sure if those work for regular nausea.

I went out to sea and wasnt able to take the usual seasickness meds because of drug interactions with my medication. I also chewed ginger the whole time, which works for regular nausea as well. I’m glad I went with just plain ginger rather than ginger candies because with candies I’d have been ingesting a lot of sugar the whole time.