Best priced rosin press for a tier 2 producer/processor

Was looking to see some reasonably priced Presses for a tier 2 processor, I am expecting to use it every day but not always in a large quantity. Need dual heated plates, and will only need around 1100psi. Want the extra hundred or so just to be sure.

This is what I personally use and it’s a fucking workhorse


If you don’t mind me asking, how much bio mass can you push through this in a day? would it make sense to maybe get bigger plates or will this due just as well with the 4’‘x7’’

Larger (wider) plates have a longer path for the oil to travel off the plates, I wouldn’t go wider than 4inch imo as it takes so long for the oil to get away from the heat.

add longer plates (4x10 or something similar) or a second press if you need more throughput


I agree with this.advice, bought a 5.5x7 and bag size becomes more of a issue too. Gotta use more bags per press, although im probably switching to 3x7 or 4x6 bags and calling it a day. Will be stacking 4x7’s after this one though.

This is more of a budget option but they have great reviews and mine works well. If I had the cash I would have gotten a low temp just on the made in USA basis.

I’m searching for my first at home press for small scale - no more that 10-14 g of biomass per run. I know we’re in different boats but I’m hunting for the best specs to look for. Any update on what kind of press you went with?

Can’t say about the other guys here but my LTP press has had zero downtime other than needing a new heating element for one of the plates and that was remedied within hours of failure and took 5 mins to swap out. You can probably find the same press on fb marketplace gently used for a good deal these days

I second the Low Temp Plates recommendation, it is hard to go wrong with their reliability and customer service. If price is the main concern, you will also be fine with a cheap lil dab press at your scale. Or keep checking craigslist/ebay, low price used low temps pop up from time to time.