Best Automatic or Semi Cartridge Filler 2021

Hey I know this topic comes up a lot but wanted to start a new discussion on what is the best automatic or semi automatic cartridge filler out on the market these days?
The best price you pay for quality and volume you get

My guys have been using the 50 shot along with the cartfarm filler but production is falling behind on a lot of orders as of late.


A big cart farm gun!
I’ve seen the others but I have crushed it with the cart farm and a couple laborers to clean and package the carts/cap the darts


Yea 2 of my guys use the cart farm gun but our volume has been jumping up heavily along with adding different skus so the team has been falling behind heavily or just too swamped.


Are you backfilling them or using the adapter for darts

The answer to this problem is have each filler filling twice as many carts. This way, you double your output, cutting your filling time in half! Ezpz

Ill be making some videos for you guys in the next couple weeks for this exact machine.


What’s your daily output? I bet you can indeed keep up with one or two cf-250s

Your hangup is likely a process flow one not a hardware one. I don’t think you get more speed going with more automation. Does your hand hurt half way through the day? If not you’re probably not being as productive as u could be


Rocky mountain PLC has an extruded alum gram and stepper motor for holding a gun. That’s what I’ll be moving to.


Sometimes I set the cart farmer on a stand with a bent needle and hold the tray instead of the farmer. Switch it up if my hand is fatigued


High there

We do roughly 40k units a month with 2 fillers and 2 capping/packaging. The packaging is 1 step so its a pretty simple process. We added other skus as well so expanding that side and want to output more on the cart side so we are not in a frenzy all the time.

EDIT: Capping is definitely the longest part so I should’ve asked for that solution instead. Currently using standard press on 510 cartridge.

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What kind of carts are you capping?

Press on 510s*(is what h is edit says). I do debate mentally whether the press ons are actually faster than screw ons with the bit

We have a vape jet and a 710 shark, with one person during an 8 hour shift they can easily knock out 5k carts a day


More wooks? If youre already profitable at scale why not give someone a job?

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how do you like the vapejet? I just got the documents today to place my deposit

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This is a true beast, the capability’s it can do far outreach what anything else could dream of doing, that’s why we went with it.

Oh and just placing the foam tray the carts come in to be filled is super convenient


We are looking at Vape Jet & 710 shark. If you had to chose one for D8 which would you go with?

Vape jet all day, shark can ruin an entire 100 with a bent needle. Vape jet just has so much future enhancements that are coming and so much potential. As it currently it’s still the best there is.



Thanks for the feedback. You’re running a 710 Shark & a Vapejet, correct? Which VapeJet version do you have?