Beginners Guide to being a GC master, and what giraffes and Lindsey Stirling have to do with it

First I want to say… I am not an analytical expert. All this information was self obtained and learned. I don’t know if I am even anywhere near ISO standards but I can say with confidence that this information helped me understand my GC in and out and really with I knew these things when I first started. Secondly, I am not affiliated with SRI. I love their involvement with the community and the continuing support. This combined with the low cost of entry is helping accelerate the industry by providing more testing to more processors. That said I will say I respect and value them. However some of the available info well… can be intimidating and confusing to an entry level user.

And there may be a lot of typo’s and formatting issues.

That said this writeup is geared more towards GC/FID but a lot of the techniques can be applied to other machines as well. That said… lets get started.

Oh, so you play in a band?

Let’s think about the testing equipment in itself. Out of the box it doesn’t know anything. It’s an instrument. When you buy an instrument, let’s say a violin, and you are a beginner, the violin company just makes and sells the violins. It’s up to you to make it sound good. When you buy commercial equipment like a GC, HPLC, or even a Rotovap, the company just makes and sells the equipment. Sure it’ll come with instructions but like a violin it’s directly dependent on your skillset with that instrument. A lot of companies of course know that there’s a lot of beginners out there and of course they want to sell more instruments than the next guy which is why most offer training if needed. Sometimes free (ok not free, there’s no free lunch… I should say included with the purchase price), sometimes extra. Going back to the violin, the place you purchased it from may have a good beginner course, or course focused on your goal. One company may just explain the in’s and outs of the violin and teach you hot cross buns, another company might teach you how to play cannon in d in a quick manner. But this doesn’t mean you are proficient with your instrument. It doesn’t mean you can play every tune, it just means you know how to play cannon in d pretty well, and for the most part you probably do. This can create a false sense of ability. You have your violin, and because you can play a song or two (and decently!) you decide to play a song by Lindsey Sterling.

You try, but you can’t. It doesn’t even sound close. “Oh it must be this violin” you may say. This really is the case with analytical equipment and using the violin analogy it’s easy to understand why businesses loose so much money in equipment. Imagine going to the violin company and saying that you can’t get your violin to sound like her’s. It would be a logistical approach to think that a different violin would sound better. And maybe the violin company believes this too. So they offer you a violin that have better characteristics to what she’s using, and that may even work. But what if, in this scenario the only difference was not the chords she was playing but the octave of the strings, or just a different string? There was no need to purchase a new violin. Now I am not going to say the violin companies (equipment manufacturer) are doing anything devious, their job is to solve your problem and satisfy you. The rep may not of known these things either, but typically they do… in our scenario let’s say it was just a tuning difference and some technique changes. They’ll be glad to teach you this, but most likely at a cost. So it’s pretty obvious that the more you know how to use your instrument, the more proficient you will be. Analytics is like this as well and will save so many headaches and problems down the road having a thorough understanding.

Before I get in depth just keep in mind this is for GC-FID as it’s the one I’m more familiar with and most beginners start with it, but concept still applies to other analytical equipment also.

First, the standard. I like Restek. It’s a little more expensive but I feel they are the most reputable. Now whichever one you use, stick with it for all your standards as they are not created equal! We’ve tested cerelliant and restek side by side and the response from the GC is measurably different. This was over an average of multiple injections of each standard fresh from the ampule. One is Restek and the other cerelliant (or however it’s spelled). 5 injections each.

So if you are going to do multiple components, use the same company for your standards. Also, I HIGHLY suggest using the triple standard when possible on it’s own for many reasons. If I were to suggest the specific ones to buy I would suggest:
Triple Standard= CBD, D9, CBN
Individual Standards: CBD, D8, CBC, and whatever you desire to test.

I know we have CBD twice. It’s for a very very good reason.

Remember three golden rules for analytics: we humans are sloppy and inconsistent, your machine is a fickle bitch that constantly changes and your solvent doesn’t like you.

Don’t let that intimidate you, I’ll explain.

Your solvent doesn’t like you:

When you handle a standard, multiple variables can effect your calibration. Unless kept bone cold, the solvent in the vials will begin evaporate. Now it’s temperature dependent but even just a minute out of the freezer can increase temperature enough that there is a layer of evaporated solvent in the headspace, ready to jet out at any given chance. Every time you open the lid, from the crack of the ampule and transfer to the vial some solvent can evaporate out. Overtime a standard that was 1,000ng/ml can be increased to 1140ng/ml due to solvent loss for example. What I like to do is take one of the frozen packs that come in the cooler from the standards and use that on my table so when the standards are out of the freezer they are kept cold while I am working with them. Now methanol isn’t that volatile but it’s good to keep those methods in practice. Following that will ensure that calibration from that standard will be the same from it’s first use to it’s last. We’re going for accuracy.

Humans are sloppy and inaccurate beings:

Anytime you measure anything, you’re going to be wrong. Sure that 1ul injection syringe looks great. But did the tip get flicked when it was withdrawn? Is there residuals on the outside of the needle shaft? are you SURE you got all those air bubbles out, including the ones in the needle? And what about the 1ul line? under a microscope it wont be exactly 1ul. Did you account for light refraction? When you transferred the solution did you get exactly 1ul out? did some evaporate during that residence time while falling, and what about the increased surface area as it drips down the side of the vial, surely some evaporation has taken place. Get what I’m saying with that? Now again it’s not that bad and you can get good results but again it depends on how accurate you want to be. This is why I suggest using the premade standard mix when possible, and removing the human element as much as possible, will provide a more accurate representation. One more thing though this really matters at the most crucial point, and that’s loading the sample. On a GC when you inject the sample just the difference in how much pressure you apply on the syringe, the timing, your twist and withdraw will have significant difference. I was teaching someone how to calibrate and for some reason his results were different than mine. Turns out when he injects, he was applying slightly more pressure to the syringe than I, increasing how much of the sample was actually loaded and giving the different results. This is one of the reasons why it’s suggested to have the same operator for testing that did the calibration. Thankfully this is easy to check and I was able to adjust my injection technique to match his, and I’ll explain that in the checks and balances section.

Your machine is a fickle bitch:

Ambient temperature, gas flow, electrical differences and even what is just happening around you in the environment can effect how the machine reads. There’s lot’s of instances where labs had inconsistent results throughout the day because the building’s hvac system adjusted temperature at night to save money. If calibration was done at 4pm when the ambient temperature was lets say 74f, you will have different readings in the morning when the room is cooler or warmer by 10f. This more applies to LC than GC as LC has more variables at play like solvent viscosity and column temperature variation (if it doesn’t have a column heater). Now the machine isn’t usually that varying but combine these variables I mentioned so far, they all play a small role individually that can add up do large differences… Add enough of them out and you can have wildly different results. Now think of all that and apply it to every lab, and that’s why its no surprise to see 15-20% deviation between labs and 5-7% individually.


Buckle up, we’re getting in the weeds. But it’s easy sailing after that.

Your machine is an automatic ruler and calculator. Out of the box it doesn’t know anything. If you were to take it and just load a sample in it will just give you an arbitrary value. Let’s kind of blow up the scale of what’s going on to better visualize what’s going on. Let’s say its a square footage calculator and you are an engineer, and need to use this to calculate an HVAC system properly. Now buildings can’t easily be moved so it calculates based on pictures of houses, a representative sample so to say. You show the picture of the house and it says it’s 1400 area units. Ok cool but not helpful. Machine needs calibration. So you purchase calibration house pictures from your favorite calibration company. These are very controlled pictures of different houses. This would be a calibration standard. You show these pictures to the machine. It says “oh ok thats 1400 area units” you then say THIS house you see as 1400 area units is actually 900 house area units. But just to be sure you show it the same picture again. This time it says that its 1345 units. Well that’s not accurate. Which is it? is it 1400, 1345 or something different? Turns out it’s dependent on how close you get the picture to the sensor. Too close and it thinks it’s bigger, to far and it’s smaller. If you were to take a standard and inject it once and called it a day this variable will make your other measurements be off, so that’s why you do it a few times to get a good average. You do it a few more times. Each result is a little different but let’s say the results were 1400, 1345, 1360, 1550, and 1351. It’s up to you to decide which of these numbers are the closest to the correct value. Typically in an outlier like that it’s human error and after time you’ll know as soon as you inject the sample you’ll have a little feeling in your head like “damn, I don’t think I did my usual push twist pull right”. In this case I would take 1345, 1360, and 1351 as they are the most repeatable. The machine will average it and it sets that calibration point to 1352. I’m going to say 1350 for the sake of easier numbers below. That would be an example of an external calibration. It’s always good that even if you don’t use external calibration to give the machine a few readings straight from the ampule.

External Calibration Example:

calibration of a 30x30’ house= 900 sq. house units.
1350 units average= 900 sq. units so 1.5 area units per 1 house area units.

you show it a different house
measurement 1: 4500 area units. 4500/1.5= 3000 house area units
measurement 2: 4850 area units. 4850/1.5=3233 house area units.

That’s a 233 square foot difference just because you didn’t hold the sample picture as accurately as the last one. You got things to do and can’t just show this thing the same picture 5x at exactly the right distance just to get an accurate result. So you have an idea. Every time you take a picture you include an object in the picture.

Let’s say it’s a giraffe.


Yes, a giraffe. Just bear with me.

You take the calibration picture, and include with it a picture of the giraffe. It reads the picture and comes up with 1400 units for the house, and 1200 units for the giraffe. You do it again and this time its 1348 units for the house and 1051 units for the giraffe. One more time and it’s 1460house/1225giraffe. Still varies but here’s what’s interesting… the giraffe and the house never changed. just how many units it counted each did. So even if the counts are pretty different on each house and giraffe measurement the relationship between the two is constant. You tell the machine: “ok, anytime you see this giraffe, I want you to measure based on giraffe units in relationship to the building units” you do a few samples and get

Internal Calibration example:

30x30 house at 900 sq. units with a giraffe as the measuring stick by ratio.

calibration 1= 1400(house)/1200(giraffe)=1.66666 ratio
calibration 2= 1348/1051=1.2825 ratio
calibration 3= 1460/1225=1.1918 ratio

Hmm, too much deviation, let’s do one more:

calibration 4= 1674/1350= 1.24 ratio

Much better. ratios of 1.24, 1.2825, and 1.1918 are an average ratio of 1.2381

So 900 sq house = 1.2381 giraffes

We put in a test and it comes up with:

4500 area units, 1090.38 giraffe units.

To quantify this we need to do a little more advanced math but it’s really simple algebra. There’s a few ways to write the formula but for this little writeup I’m going to keep it simple

The machine saw 4500 area units. compared to the giraffe it saw that as 1090.38 units, the ratio of those is 4.127002. Basically the house it saw was 4.5x the size of the giraffe in the picture. But 1 house area standard is based on a ratio in itself!

Since we know that a 900 house unit is equal to 1.2381 giraffes, if we divide the ratio’s we get 4.127002/1.2381= 3.333333

Basically this number is how many times our calibrated house is in relation to the unknown. Since 900 house units is the calibrated number, 3.33333 x 900 is 3000 house area units.

So lets take the second test from earlier and do the math and see the difference, but this time with our giraffe standard.

4850 area units and 1212 giraffe units.

ratio is 4.0016. divided by 1.2381 = 3.2320 . x 900 is 2908.8

So two tests, one value at 3000 and another value at 2908.8 Strange, knowing that the second test saw more units but gave a lower value but that’s how it works. Besides look back at the external calibration, the two different tests had a difference of 233 house units. This way only had a difference of 91.2! Not shabby!! Strange that when it saw more raw units the final number went down, but hey huge improvement in deviation!

Ok one more example and then we’re done with math and calibration.

You show a picture a picture of a skyscraper this time.

Measurement 1 = 95000 units to 1100 giraffe units. 86.36364 ratio 62779.48 house units
measurement 2 = 93200 units to 1050 giraffe units. 88.7619 ratio. 64522.83 house units.

That’s a difference of 1743 units! Holy crap that’s a lot off! If you were trying to design that HVAC system that’s the difference of two houses over. But hey still better than external calibration right?

Nope you are even more wrong. If you believe the machine and it’s math, when it read low it told you there was more. Thankfully though the measuring stick is a giraffe.

The non math quick explanation I teach is like this:

*You are my analytical machine. Do you see that house over there? How tall is it? *
They usually reply with some sort of calculated answer:

32 feet

How did you get that answer?

I know my house is two stories so it’s about the same size, maybe a little taller

Is that accurate? It needs to be very accurate.

I think so.

But your basing it on a memory of how tall your house is. How could you be more accurate?

measuring tape

Oh ok. here’s a 3ft one

that’s not long enough.

Ok, well even if you had a longer one you can’t measure the house anyway.

why not?

Because trespassing, and, uh… bees.


Ok look here’s a giraffe. Can you tell me how many giraffes tall that is?

sure, looks like 1 giraffe, but a little taller

Can you be more precise?

Umm, 1.25 giraffes.

Ok, ok. I accept that. Let’s say that giraffe was exactly 20’ tall. Safe to say it’s a 25’ tall house?


Now measure this skyscraper. How many giraffes is it?

I don’t know, maybe 90-100 of them?

So anywhere between 1800-2000 feet? Damn, that’s pretty inaccurate compared to you only being off 7 feet with the house.

There you have it, a quick explanation on internal calibration that you can explain to others and sound smart.

But if I were to ask you, knowing what you know now, how would you measure that skyscraper? If you guessed a bigger giraffe, you are correct. Since the measuring stick is so small, those little inaccurate guesses add up over a taller sample. You need a bigger measuring stick. This pretty much means that you need another calibration point.

For those testing d9 amounts in hemp, this is crucial. The inverse is true in the giraffe analogy. If you calibrate a house based on a giraffes size and then had to measure a toy car, that is way too far from the calibration point and you’ll have a greater error. This can be detrimental when trying to ensure the d9 content in a hemp product is 0.3% or lower, when your calibration point was at let’s say 80% when you made your standard.

Oh, well I guess we could just make an internal standard that has like 30% cbd, and like 0.3% thc.

Sure that could work. But now you’re banking on ratio’s and a sample that your sloppy human hands measured trying to get exactly 30ul of cbd standard and 0.3ul of d9 standard (these are arbitrary numbers btw) measured out, plus the internal standard solution measured exactly AND the diluting solvent. That’s just way too many variables, way too much potential evaporated solvent from fluid transfers and just besides, you just made a calibration based on one criteria, high cbd to d9 ratio. What if you were trying to measure an edible that may have 3% cbd and 0.3% THC? That’s not close to your calibration at all!

So what would be a good calibration? If you have that triple standard I suggested earlier, it’s easy. Since it’s premixed you don’t have to worry if you measured each compound correctly. On top of that if you did a high/medium/low calibration you now have 3 calibration points for 3 compounds but only needed to make 3 standards. That’s a lot less measuring, less tests, and most of all less time. Because speaking of time, even if you follow my steps here, we’re still looking at 14-20 tests just to get a good calibration settled in. If it’s about 15 minutes per test, that’s 3.5-5 hours if things go smooth.

Before I get into the step by steps I want to mention two things:

  1. My word is not gospel or the only way to do things. Just like playing an instrument
  2. I want to elaborate about peaksimple for those using SRI equipment as their internal calibration documentation can be a confusing.

In their literature they say to take 3 compounds, CBD, d9 and CBN for example and mix 100ul of each in a vial, then add 300ul of internal standard solvent. Since your standard was originated form 1000ug/ml (same as 1000ng/ul) in each ampule, and you mixed 3 together, that is 333ng/ul each in the vial. Ok, makes sense. but it doesn’t math. You put in 100ul in each, and each one was a concentration of 1000ng/ul. 100ul=100,000ng of compound. Times 3 that’s now 300ul of solvent, with 300,000ng of compounds dissolved. If you take 1ul from a syringe in that mix you will have in that 1ul,
1000ng of compounds. But there’s 3 of them. so it’s 333ng CBD, 333ng d9, 333ng of CBN. Ok that part is right. But then you have to add in the equal amount of internal standard solution! So now the mix is a total volume of 600ul, with 300,000ng of compounds in it. 1ul would have only 500ng of compounds, and since there’s 3 of them its 166.66ng of each one in a 1ul injection but they want me to put in 333ng for the calibration!!! WHAT?!

Let me break your brain even more. If you use the triple standard, you’ll still enter 1000ng.

Why? Because it’s about relationship.


Like when we calibrated the building measuring thingie, we said to the machine hey… you see this picture of this house and this giraffe? That house is 900 house area units compared to that giraffe. THIS is why you don’t measure the internal standard during calibration. It’s a goddamn giraffe for christ’s sake. Who cares if its a 15’ giraffe or a 25’ giraffe. So with the 333 standard even though you are only injecting the reality of 166.66ng each, your telling the machine that 1 giraffe is equal to 333.

One last perspective on the mixing compounds vs using the triple and then I’ll get off my soapbox about it. To make an internal standard with the 3 different compounds in 3 different standards, that’s 6 measurements. 6 variables, 6 fuckups. With a triple it’s only 2… extrapolate this to 3 different calibration points and it’s 6, 12, 12, compared to 2, 3, 3. Thats 30 different potential fuckups compared to only 8. I’ll explain why later but will say it’s because of dilution to get the smaller calibration point.

Ok so to recap we covered the basics of the machine, what calibration is and why it’s important to have different calibration points.

I can now go in to the step by steps and you’ll know exactly why I suggest the steps. I’m going to walk you through every bit of the way.

  1. Turn on your machine and computer. Adjust the climate control, and go take a break. You deserve it. Oh, and go pee. Trust me, dancing around while trying to get a sample injected doesn’t work. Take some time and allow everything equalize. Stability is everything.

  2. Go through your startup procedures if you have them. Paperwork and all that stuff. When you think the machine is ready, do a blank run with no injection. We’re looking to establish baseline. Like measuring a building you need to measure accurately and if the ground is moving around like an angry sea your measurement will be off and varying. This can be detrimental if trying to test for low concentration and if bad enough, your whole entire compound can be lost in the wash. What you may think is compliant or ND, may be hot when tested at another lab because your baseline was not flat. Now columns do age, and ratty baselines happen. When you get more proficient you can a lot of times account for a bad baseline and still get good results.

  3. If you have a good baseline, throw in a test from any decent sample you have laying around. After injecting, clean your syringe, remember to always load the syringe with clean solvent and deject (is that right word? whatever, I’m going with it) as waste. DO NOT PUMP THE SYRINGE in the clean solvent. Actually, don’t ever do that. It’s lazy and has no benefit aside from air purging. It can mess up your data and cross contaminate. I do this about 5 times and pull about 3 to 6 times over my injection size (so 6ul for example) to make sure I’m cleaning the full column of the syringe. Ok, got your sample in and loaded and the test is running… you can relax for a few minutes. Wait! Did you get allllll the solvent out of that syringe? No I didn’t think so. Make sure you pump the syringe with air to remove any residual clean solvent. You don’t want to dilute your next sample

  4. Take a look at your first test of the day, and then ignore it. Like the first pancake out of the pan, the results of the first test of the day are 9 times out of 10 not accurate. If peaks look pretty good and like a decent test then the next step is to run a blank injected sample. Just clean solvent. This will not only test your baseline again in response but also ensures that your solvent is actually clean, same with your syringe, tests that the column is conditioned and ready to go and it’s in good health. Any peaks, bumps, humps need to be dealt with.

Calibration time!!

Get the ice pack from the freezer and put it on the table, get your standards, empty vials, clean solvent and internal standard solution and place them all on the ice pack. If you have new standards don’t crack ampule just yet.

Have your nice and tested clean syringe ready?

Ok now you can crack the ampule. Get your first datapoint and inject your first sample. Before injecting be sure to check for air bubbles, accuracy, and solvent that may be clinging on the side of the syringe. If there’s a small amount get it off of there, you don’t want any particulates left on the side of the syringe. Remember there’s hundreds of those little guys in that small little bit. Just a smidge can throw your data off. Congrats, you just injected the closest representation of that standard you’ll ever get. Anything after that has potentially been altered, contaminated, or changed in some minute way.

Transfer your standard from the ampule to the storage vial. Remember no agitation to the liquids. Make sure the syringe tip is close to the bottom of the vial and give it a smooth push. You don’t want any splashing going on in there and the lower part of the vial will be cold since it’s sitting on the ice pack.

First result is in! It should be a nice flat baseline with 3 good peaks similar in size. (or just one if you are testing just one compound.

Save the file. Always. Put it in a folder, label it well

Repeat it again. Get 3 good test results. This test is a perfect snapshot that you can look back to if you need to troubleshoot. Let’s say you have a coil bleeding, or your results are strangly off and your not sure if it’s your standard, baseline or whatever you can look at this test and look to see what’s different or changed and troubleshoot accordingly. This turned out to be vital for us when we couldn’t get a linear calibration when we know we should have. Turns out the tests from d8 isomeration contaminated my coil and my cbd when testing was actually isomerating IN the column. When we compared a freshly cracked ampule standard to the last fresh one there was a noticible difference in peaks and area and we knew something was up. This test is also a datapoint in itself. we’ll get there. Let’s get the important calibration done first.

Ok time to mix your internal calibration standard.

Measure 100ul of the triple standard and put in a clean vial, clean the syringe and get 100ul of the internal standard solution. Oh and PLEASE PLEASE do not shove the syringe tip in the solvent in the vial. That a good way to cross contaminate. Cap and mix. I go as far as putting it back on the ice pack for a couple seconds in case the warmth from my hand and shaking increased the vapor pressure inside vial. If possible measure your clean solvent first, then your internal standard solution, THEN your standard solution. Why? If you put the standard solution in first, and a minute amount of solvent evaporates, you now have a less accurate representation in your vial than in the standard because the concentration changed just ever so slightly. Do the clean solvent first, if a little amount evaporates it’s not that big of a deal. That and it allows that liquid to get colder from the ice pack so when you add the next component it’s going in an already cold solution. While technically if the initial measurement is susceptible to evaporation, and it’s a representative sample by theory one could say that it doesn’t matter, as if you calibrate it and it happens all the time it’s therefore accounted for. And I would have to agree with that, but not if we’re going to do an external calibration. Those samples need diluted too.

Go ahead and do 3-5 tests. You can calibrate on the fly but it’s kind of a pain in the butt when you have your first 2 tests close to the same results but the 3rd on is an out layer and you didn’t save the damn files so now you have to do 2 more injections hoping that they are consistent. Jesus saves and so should you. To look for consistency pay attention to the areas. The internal standard most importantly. When you are happy with your results, NOW let’s calibrate. Since this is the first calibration, and it is a representation of the relationship between the calibration standard and the internal standard solution respectively, put 1000ng as the amount injected. Either insert the ratio’s or do the automated “calibrate” button. Open your previous but good injections to get good close average of that calibration point.

Hell yea 1 calibration point down.

Now you COULD stop here if you really wanted to but you know you don’t want to have to make 5 different samples of the same material to get an accurate reading (mentioned later. I know I say that a lot… it’ll all zip up shortly).

You know what to do at this point, so here’s the ratio’s to make multiple different calibration points.

Single and Triple Internal Standards

1000ng = 100ul of standard, 100ul Internal Standard solution.
500ng= 50ul of standard, 50ul of CLEAN solvent, 100ul of Internal Standard Solution
250ng= 25ul of standard, 75ul of CLEAN solvent, 100ul of Internal Standard Solution
50ng= 5ul of standard (use injection syringe), 95ul of CLEAN solvent, 100ul of Internal Standard Solution.

For mixed working standard the physical ratio’s stay the same as the above, but the calibration point will change depending on how many components you mix. I’ll do 3… let’s say you mix d8, CBC, and CBG



Because you were smart and did that nice fresh ampule cracked samples, you can use that as a calibration point for External Calibration. This is very good for measuring things like isolate or material with very few other compounds and high purity. Since all your previous calibrations are essentially known concentrations, and you know the math now on how many bits are actually in each injection, we can make a calibration table without having to make any more samples or injecting!

First remember this is EXTERNAL Calibration so adjust your software accordingly. For those of using peaksimple, the latest version has external calibration already setup in CHANNEL 2.

Now load up your 1000ng calibration chromatograms. We told the software that the injected amount was a REPRESENTATION of 1000ng, not actually how much you injected. This time however, it IS exactly how much you injected. In this case it’s an actual injection of 500ng. Remember all internal calibration standards were diluted with the same amount of internal standard solution.

1000ng External = calibration standard
500ng External = 1000ng internal
250ng External =500ng internal
125ng External=250ng internal
25ng External = 50ng Internal.


Ok so we’re calibrated… we’re good to go! Let’s get on with it!

Hell yea, let’s make a sample. But let’s be as careful as we were with a calibration. Like the buildings, we can’t measure the whole compound at once so we need to make a representative sample. In the previous analogy it’s getting the picture of the house ready for the machine.

Things need to again, be clean and accurate. You scale needs to be freshly calibrated. Your internal Standard solution needs to be exactly the same as it was when you calibrated. Whatever you use to measure your internal standard solvent solution needs to be clean, and calibrated.

Reading the Results and Getting Dead Nuts Accurate:

OK so we have our freshly calibrated machine, expertly made sample and got a beautiful looking chromatogram.

You view the results and get a pretty good looking number. But it’s not going to be dead nuts accurate unless you are lucky. To get dead-on you want to first calculate approximately how much target compound is in your sample prior to making it. For the most part you can use that good ol’ noodle of yours and think that extracts will be between 65-85, isolate 95-100, crude 45-65, and end user products like tinctures, topicals, vapes and the such around 1.5-3 and delta 9 hopefully under 0.3 or around 3-6 in a concentrate. If you want CBD accuracy, calculate almost exactly how much you think your sample contains and match it up with a calibration point. For our example lets use a distillate that only slightly starts to crystallize and may be a little runny. About 65-70 should be a good guess.

Since the best representation will be the closest to your most accurate calibration point it would make sense to target CBD to the 1000ng internal calibration point (or 333.333 for 3x mixed). So we need to get as close to 1000ng/ul in our sample.

Some fun maths…

our estimate is 65-70% CBD potency.
Our sample volume is 40ml.
we need 1000ng/ul
so 1000(ng) x 40000(ul)= 40,000,000ng target compound needed.
We’re going to guess it’s 67.5% potency.
40,000,000x1.675= 67,000,000 sample weight needed.

67,000,000ng to grams is 67.

So let’s make our sample.

Now for dead nuts accuracy on tests like this I’ll go through the same amount of care and precision like calibration. There’s two very important variables that will change the outcome of your result. First is how accurate your scale is, and second is how exact to 40ml of internal standard solution you can dish out. I’ll make sure my scale is accurate by putting on the sample vial on the scale while the scale is off then turn the scale on and it will auto tare to 0. I don’t hit the tare button on small weights like this because of the vibrations when you push the tare button. Then take your calibration weight and add close to your target weight. I have a various amount so I threw in 65mg. a 50, a 10 and a 5. my scale said 65.664 in that case. Good enough for me. Remove the weights, let the scale go back to 0. If it doesnt, do it all over. when you are confident load a sample in the vial. Get as close as you can to your target weight but sometimes it’s not worth trying to nail down an exact mg but try to get close. In our sample I got 67mg. Ill take it but I could do better if I tried.

Next step is to load the solvent in the vial. We have a dispensing pipette. Now you can get anal about the volume measurement but thankfully there’s such a large ratio of solvent to sample that even being off a ml is going to be ok. Last I checked our 40ml was like 39.6 or something like that from the pippette but so many variables come into play like temperature and solvent purity and operator variations. Prep the sample the rest of the way… give the machine a little squirt and do it 2 to 3 times. Remember to gauge accuracy your internal standard is your giraffe so try to get 2 tests with close to the same IS area.

Load up the results and check out the chromatogram.

Here’s what our example looks like:

First I want to point out the chromatorgram. See the blue lines? That’s a recent calibration file overlayed to the sample. This makes sure that you identify the right peaks. Obviously the peaks won’t match up in area because the calibration sample was just a representation of the real thing. But we can do another cool trick I’ll explain in a second.

Also look at the other peaks that have the red circle but no label. These are unknowns. Now I really know the peak before (left to right) CBD is CBC because I’ve had that standard just not with this calibration. The two other peaks before that, after my IS peak, I’m pretty sure one is CBDV. The other I don’t know for sure. But we have to pretend they don’t exist for this situation because don’t have a standard. Oh, and look at the CBC peak before CBD. See how it’s really close to CBD? This can be a huge problem if sample size isn’t adequately prepared. If you follow a guideline of “ahhh just put in 100mg” and you have a high potency CBD concentrate, that peak will be so big it will cover that CBC, throwing off your results and not even know cbc was even in there! This is very vital for d8 testing where d9 eludes very close. I’ll show an example little further down. All these things come into play and a good operator will know to consider these when testing.

So our result with internal standard says CBD potency 64.8665% That’s pretty damn close to a visual guess of 65-70. We’re also seeing some d9 ring in at 3.6426%. I’m sure that’s pretty close but it’s not directly matched up with a calibration point so it’s going to have more deviation.

Let’s do one more thing. Since we injected mathematically very close to 1000ng, we should expect that if we overlay the chromatogram from that fresh ampule crack in the beginning the peaks should be very similar. Let’s take a look.

aww LAWD that’s beautiful.

And before I post the next thing, I want you to see this first.

The sample number 64 was saved as the resulting potency, and the increasing numbers is PeakSimple’s auto increment file name as this is from the raw data and not my separately saved data (redundancy is key with that program, it likes to overwrite shit all the time without notice)

A few days later…


And people say GC-FID isn’t accurate. Pfft.

I do want to say however that this COA isn’t 100% on par and you can see why. The CBD is crazy close, the d9 is really good too, CBN is a little off but again we’re not focusing on that for now. I know, the potency isn’t trophy winning but it’s just a batch that will have further processing done with it, so we needed thorough potency testing for CBD.

But look at CBC. 1%. okay… there’s a decent little hump there. Hmm, CBG is up there too. and I know from other chromatograms that it’s after d9. The d9 peak isn’t so large that it’s covering it and if you zoom in. Plus there’s that other peak before CBDV that wasn’t really identified. There’s some questions regarding this COA and if you have in house analytics over time you’ll be able to vet accuracy.

Now I can’t confidently made a decision based on this because at the end of the day I don’t have a calibration for those cannabanoids. Remember eyeballing and guessing how high that house was? Here’s an example. I can make a guess based on past knowledge but cannot make a conclusive decision. However my skepticism was validated on a different potency test that was sent in with this one. It was a post THC remediated sample and while it came back ND for d9, the CBD potency was significantly lower than it should have been. I mean come on, regardless of how well I can quantify stuff in house there’s other visual and physical cues that you can use to make a determination. It’s pretty common that CBD crystalizes decently around 75%, with more crystallization the higher the potentcy. When it came back (it was low, like … under 40%) I was like WTF how does this even happen?! Seriously you make the determination. Here’s the picture THEY took:

How can you look at distillate all day everyday and get a result lower than the shittiest of crude and think it’s anywhere near accurate?

But these things happen. Typically it’s no big deal and you can ask for a restest. In this situation it was not like I was trying to get an increased report or was disappointed. But I reached out, explained the situation in detail and even offered to send my in house analytics but really anyone can look at that and know that <40% is an erroneous result. They did reply quickly and had to problem restesting… but of course “had to charge a fee”

Sadly this trumps the stellar COA and we won’t be testing with this lab anymore. This is now the 5th lab I’ve flushed down the tube due to this type of behavior. KCA be ready, you’re going to be our sole lab now.

For us we are lucky enough to know when a COA is accurate or bunk, or questionable but others aren’t as lucky, even you reading this. Most smaller processors don’t even HAVE in house analytics and get hit the hardest from inaccurate COA’s resulting in lost contracts, wasted material and so much more.

How the HELL do you know whether or not to trust your lab???

Don’t worry, I got you.

This is usually the go to cause it’s my favorite thing to do and send it back with a big ol’ WTF.

How to easily vet a lab

Take a sample… any sample really… distillate ideally if you got it.

Get 3 vials. put 10 grams of your analyte in one. 5 grams in the other. 1 gram in the 3rd. On vial 2 and 3 add a diluent enough to bring each vial to 10 grams total. Try to not use something that can interfere with the results. A solvent is fine, but glycerin and mct depending on methods may elude too close to the cannabanoids. We’re not trying to trick them, just check their competency. (Plus, there’s a little extra goodie for those who have analytics, don’t make it to hard on yourself!) Mix well, and get 3 more vials that you will mail out for testing and accurately measure each of those to the required sample size. Keep all the samples together so no environmental variences can skew your sample with what they are going to get.

See where we’re going with this?

If your sample is 70% ish and it reflects that on the first undiluted sample, then the second vial was half concentration and should be around 35%. The third is a tenth of that of that so it should come back at around 7%

After your samples are made and mixed (or don’t… the lab should ensure samples are homogenized for accurate representation of the sample as a whole) store all samples in the same environment since light and heat can alter our compounds a fridge is great. Mail one out… wait a day, mail another one. Wait another day, mail the last one. Not only are we checking for accuracy but also accuracy with more potential variables that can change the outcome. Maybe a different tech works on one of the days. Or the machine was have baseline issues the next. This little experiment will tell you pretty much everything you need to know about the lab you are working with.

Now for those who have a nice loving relationship with your lab of choice it get’s even better. First do some in house analytics on your own. When you get your COA’s back match them with your results. Lookie there, you just did a cheap as hell proficiency test on yourself. If you are within 15% good job! within 10% is even better!

Oh, and if this is a good lab you are working with and use third party to verify your work (as we all should and them as well) you can even go a step further. You have 3 samples there of known concentrations according to the other lab. Want to make sure when you make a tincture or an extract that you won’t have any suprises? Calibrate to them. Save your in house calibrations, but really all you need to do is treat them as 3 different calibration standards. Now when you test something, you can send it to the other lab and have a very good chance that your results will be very close within each other.

Tips image

and Tricks:

Ok I knew this was going to be long but there’s so much I want to cover. If you like this post and find it helpful please let me know and I can write more on different subjects like baseline refining, troubleshooting, column revival, temperature program optimizing, faster test times, scoring a cheap backup or r&d column, and more. I don’t think I am an expert at this, and still learn something new everyday. Actually this was very ironic. As I was typing this up I had a strange flow issue then a slew of issues with my GC that I have never ever seen before and not documented online. Actually 2 different scenarios. Thankfully I was able to find and fix both problems but I can assure you they are not common problems at all. To tease i’ll let you know one of them. Remember when I suggested to calibrate with the standard but also keep a CBD standard too? Well you can make d8 right in your GC! Sadly there’s nothing good about this. We had a contaminated column from testing d8 conversions and the acids were throwing off our analytics and calibrations. So if you ever test isolate and it has d8 in it, or lower than expected CBD, there you go. If you have just a CBD standard you can shoot that in your GC and see if a measurable amount of d8 or d9 comes up. If so, you are about to become very intimate with your GC. (note that standards all seem to have some residual compounds in them so it’s no suprise to see small peaks of other cannabanoids in your standards. I personally feel that’s kinda messed up but they are all like that (that I’ve seen) and I guess we’re not looking at them so you are supposed to just ignore it. but like, c’mon, these are supposed to be very precise samples.

ok onto more goodies.

First, the upgraded tools and first aid kit for your GC.

Septums over time core out, and even a simple injection can core that septum and inject it into your column, blocking it. My solvent column had so many cores in it from when we first started and had no idea what was going on that it’s now a paperweight. We only had like 5 tests go through that column, but the syringes included and the documentation from the GC manufacturer might not have tested the instructions and supplied equipment first hand or else they would have seen this glaring issue.

Now, thankfully we have a column that can test terps, solvents, and cannabanoid potency in one test so it’s not a problem anymore, but cored septums are no joke. There’s a syringe you can get that will eliminate this issue for you.

Guess which one it is:


Point Style AS is what we were given with our GC but point style 5 is the bad boy you want.

No more coring and increased septum life!

troubleshooting tools:

Flow rate and leak checking are probably the biggest problems you’ll encounter with a GC. Scour ebay, set an alert and snag one of these:


I got ours for like $150 on ebay.

And get one of these:


Now for accurate solution disbursement, these are verrrrrry handy:


We have that model and after a quick calibration, two pumps and we’re on the money everytime for our samples.

Earlier I was bitching about the plunging the syringe in your sample and said how it’s only done for reducing the chance of bubbles and not worth the risk. Well how do you not get bubbles? Spend the few extra pennies on these guys

Good ol’ general hospital style, place it upside down, puncture, and draw your syringe and watch bubbles just float up to the top. No more pumping a gajillion times.

I know those things listed can be expensive but ebay is your friend and those things do pop up on there a lot. Just keep looking and you’ll snag a good deal.

I think that wraps it up for this post. Pretty sure I covered a lot of important info to level up your skills quickly.

Hope this had a little something for everyone!


solid write up! good job; and excellent contribution to the community!


Great write up! :clap::clap::clap:


Bookmarked. Will respond after. Thanks for something to read.


Great write up, thank you @OBXtracts! :call_me_hand:


no problem! I been wanting to write this up for a while.


I agree, great author :writing_hand:


I concur… That IS in fact, a very great way to Vet a Lab!
I’m speaking from experience


Awesome write up! I wish more than anything I had this when I got my sri GC. This write will get anyone to easily wrap their heads around testing and testing accurately! Solid work man!


What column is that?

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mxt-502.2 but you can use other columns you want a 30m, .53mm ID, and 1um wall thickness, or thereabouts. Larger (.53mm ID) for decent RT, 30m and 1um wall thickness for separation. It’s a good phase with decent selectivity. Contact Sri and get if from them if you decide to go for it as I don’t see it on restek’s site… Forwarned though it is not as robust as the mxt-500 and ours is starting to bleed after being only a few months old and about 250-300 samples pushed through. But given the chance I’ll get another one if I can get the capital for it soon, it’s worth it. Oh and CBC doesn’t fully separate on this column either until you get to about 250ng. if you calibrate it with a standard do NOT mix it with your CBD compound, it’ll be a waste of a standard but besides those setbacks it’s great! Here’s the info for the 3 tests in 1 run from SRI.

For terps and potentcy in 1 go check out their data here

you can do solvents with that column, there’s a cool new tool on restek’s site that lets you pick your column and play with settings to simulate your separations. I was focused on pentane and was able to tweak the temp program to be able to inject a sample of the headspace, wait 1 minute then do your regular injection. if I can fully revive this column and get it nailed down I’ll post the parameters.


I am now slightly less afraid of my GC. Thank you for the write up!


Wow! Been waiting for this one! Solid write up!


This man is a savant.


This thread helped me save light years when I was getting started in GC/FID/MS.

I tried many different types of syringe, and only use point style 5 now, even for autosampler syringes. You may have to do more rinses in between samples, but as a result I replace my inlet septa every couple hundred injections instead of once every 50.
(I still leak check it periodically)

The bottle top pump dispenser is a must have.

When I started out, I was working with an older GC that didnt have programmable inlet, column, and detector flows. I had to go old school with an inverted graduated cylinder in a water tub to measure the flows. Now that I can program those flows on my 6890, a simple chinese HVAC leak detector works perfectly for detecting hydrogen leaks (my carrier gas).

Thank you for dropping this wisdom! @OBXtracts