Basic doubts, where do I start?

Hi, I’m new to the topic. I’m setting up a 2L SPD. I run into a couple of problems and I need your help to solve it.

I have this Alcatel 2021 vacuum pump, but they do not have any component to connect it to the glass cold trap, I have seen several pieces on the internet, but I do not understand which one is useful for me and why.

I have this vacuum meter, it has cost me 100 dollars, but I read in the forum that it is not the right one, what do you think?

finally buy the equipment to replace the use of dry ice in the cold trap, for this area it is impossible to get dry ice in small quantities, the minimum that is sold is 300 dollars, too expensive for me, so I bought the polysciences p60 It says cool down to -80 but I really doubt it, you suggest that I use it as a coolant in the cold trap, I read several mixtures of alcohol.

I also bought a sous vive de cocina, in your opinion, am I ready to start a round or what other component do I need?

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okay here we go;

you need a KF25 to barb fitting for the pump, like this;

you will also need a centering ring (buy a few) and clamp for it

not too sure about the meter, but i dont think its the best choice, i dont know too much about it honnestly, if you have the cash get yourself a bullseye, they are pretty dope.

The cold finger you picked up maxs out at -60, may not be ideal for distillation, you may want to go colder, just be triple sure that there is little to no solvent in your crude because you will end up pulling some into the pump at -60. GET YOURSELF LOTS OF PUMP OIL AND CHANGE IT REGULARLY TO ENSURE THE LONGEVITY OF YOUR PUMP

Use acetone in your cold trap, any old acetone will do, pick it up from your local hardware store. Ethanol would work too.

the sous vide you linked should work fine, just get yourself a big pot and an aquarium pump and you should be ready to rock!!
best of luck :+1:


I’d say go with this. Expand your vacuum flow. Only having that pinch point at each gl location and upgrading the hoses to kf bellows will improve the performance.

I would also get a bullseye vac guage. Probably the best one for the job.

That immersion chiller will do fine for replacing dry ice. That’s what they are for


Thanks for the link. Gonna score a few of them and swap some gl fittings out.


Is this hose ideal for my Alcatel 2021 ??? Will I need something else to start distilling? I appreciate your answers.

Get a Kf-25 Bellows for the pump