Ban EagleChem and WKUConsulting

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Yet again another shithead ruining this forum and costing someone their freedom, and almost their life. The mods/owners ban shitposters but keep on letting dirtbags come here and post.

Jesus Christ almighty.

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No ones getting banned. lol. We need @WKUCONSULTING for entertainment


Ok fine. Still though I find entertainment outside of this by watching landscapers sink their mowers into community ponds.

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You wouldn’t believe the amount of mower shit I seen the 2 years I spent with brickman/brightview

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Oh god you should see the machines those companies bring us hoping to god it will be fine. These landscapers lack any form of common sense. The ones I hired do pretty damn good.

We had some massive exmark contracts which would allow us just to swap out broken one for new ones if they couldn’t fix them in a week. Our office was a 80m office. We had most of the big contracts in Miami

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We should start having unbanning votes.


Wow. I wish we had something like that. Instead they wheel it to our shop and dump money into fixing a machine with 3-6k hours on it.

when you are working for the largest landscaping company in the world… and our miami office was 1 of 2 and both doing 50m+ and there was other 2 in broward and 1 in WPB…

we had a lot of collective bargaining power when leasing equipment. The broken ones would get fixed and leased to smaller companies with less purchasing power…

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