Baked goods packaging

Does anyone know where to find packaging this clear, these dimensions, but airtight. Or have any clear pastry packaging vendors that allow dimensions to be customized

To be honest if you’re in a pinch, I’m pretty sure Joanns or possibly a hobby lobby should have clear plastic jewelry casings of varying sizes. Keep in mind this will put a premium on your packaging unless using deals they usually do of course.

Ultimately, imo figure out the manufacturer or look on alibaba you’ll get them for fractions of a cost by the thousand.

I don’t think what youre looking for exists. Is there an item on a shelf that you can think of that you want to copy the packaging of?

Then there is also OPP/Cellophane treat bags that can have an adhesive seal

I am looking to copy moon cake packaging.

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Alibaba, bud.


any specific one or brand? Could you share a picture?