@Curious_Roberto hooked me up. Solid dude.
I’ve got two 50lb bags I don’t really want if you ever wanna swing by and grab some.
Thanks brother, just paying you back the favor!
Really appreciate seeing you share with the community like that man! Its a labor of love to packdown powder and get it out the door to folks who need it, I know that as much as anyone else in this industry.
We’ve been packing down B80 for distribution to retailers within the next couple weeks. I think your price points were a great example of how packdown pricing should go. 100g units at huge markup dont do anybody any good…even 500g is basically a sample size.
I use 2000g per 4000g run
That’s great to hear man! And thanks, I really appreciate everyone here so I wanna help in anyway I can. Even if it was something as little as this.
Hopefully the end costs for everyone can be about what I was charging. I agree that seems like a somewhat fair price, maybe a little low if someone wants to make a fair profit.
I’m actually happy your stocking everyone up! I don’t mind helping out, but the big boys are better equipped to handle this than I am by far.
3# left everyone!
I’ve got 25lbs up for grabs
It’s pretty difficult to do this professionally without seeming to be somehow outside the ecosystem but our company culture has been built from the needs of the operator up.
I can tell you that our early projections for distributor rates is actually lower than what you are charging, but as we’ve seen that doesnt always translate to the retail level. We have always suggested certain MSRP rates but never actually done anything to enforce those because thats outside our free-market mindset…which is one of the reasons @Killa12345 has been such a killa partner for his clients here.
The thing that got me into this game is the disrespect chemical distributors show to our industry. Someone cracking into their own bag and hooking up their homies and making a little for the trouble, shit thats what its all about. I’ve never had a payroll to cover, millions in bills to pay, regulators to satisfy, until this company…it was always just me and a handful of homies previously.
This forum has become a benchmark for the ancillary business that the investor, serial CEO class doesnt even know exist. I hope that popping on here and mentioning that we are coming online with B80 doesn’t bug you. Just want to point out that we are, and always have been the go-to for making sure the materials folks need are available. Its taking longer and longer to roll out new shit because we want to make sure that when things do launch downtime is reduced. Even with great effort we fail sometimes(cough, T41, cough, silica60 occaisionally).
Again, you, @Waxplug1 and all the others that have spent time, money, and energy getting this stuff out in the wild should be celebrated. I gave up extraction to focus on distributing consumables because thats what it takes to do it right, but somebody has to make the fire.
It doesn’t bug me one bit at all my man, you’re doing me a favor.
I’m buying single bags off of ebay, and not making any money off of this after time and vacuum bags, etc. (well ok, I made like 30 buck or so after all is said and done lol). I seriously figured I’d just help out for a bit until you guys stared carrying it.
I will say though, when you get some of that opaline silica we’ve all been chasing, just let us all know so I can get some asap!
I’ve never believed in msrp or watching the pockets of my customers. I look at my cost. Add on what I think is a fair margin, and that’s what I charge.
I will always take this approach to business. Thanks for allowing me to set my own path @Shadownaught. I know my disruption wasn’t easy!
Seeing you and Frank meet in person and work shit out was dope AF man. Disruption is exciting @Killa12345
Yeah @Curious_Roberto coming through in the clutch! Definitely excited to give it a go. Killa hoping to see you carrying some soon as well buddy. This is a really solid community of helpful people.
Glad I can help dude!
I’ll have it out tomorrow for ya.
@Farmlife, you mentioned you wanted some a couple of weeks ago, I still have some set aside for you of you want it.