Average amount of CBD extract from 1 pound?

WOw thank you kind overlord. calm your ego i tell people that typa shit erryday, but than again i actually extract and work with growers that are not as educated on extractions. Anyone and everyone can make someone sound stupid or smart depending on the topic. Shitting on people for not knowing will for sure help you land future sales :wink:

People seem to forget this site was created by the guy who learned everything from the person who spoon fed us all, greywolf, photonnoir is a name to look out for as well as they both learned the real science applications of these a decade ago. SKunkpharmresearch was the original site that spoon fed us with a shopping list and how to put together a closed loop system. Beaker is another but rip unfortunately, brotanical matts a smart guy, i may be missing a few others but most here live off pseduoscience. those are a few names you can type in the search bar for relevant information thats correct and likely backed by a case study they have found.

Oh and jst because something is liked a lot doesnt mean shit. This website became a popularity contest unfortunately, even if the smart thing they “discovered” was read or copied by another manufacturing procedure. for example CRC was originally learned from a book on vegetable oil manufacturing. someone got “revered” for it for doing it in ethanol than a few people got revered for it by doing it on bho next. As if Color remediation is not completed in near every process of goods sold today.


It is such a SIMPLE question.

And you STILL don’t seem to understand the answer.

How much CBD is IN a lb of 13% CBD?

13 motherfucking percent of a goddamn pound!!

How much will you GET?

Depends how you make the attempt.

If you get it ALL it won’t be pure.

If you get it pure, you won’t get it all.

If you don’t get that. You should read a whole lot more, or pay someone qualified to get you to where you DO.

Searching on “mass balance” might get you somewhere, but it really does sound like there are places better suited to your current grasp on the subject.


Shit In, Shit Out.


-Something Raja Ram would say


Could get one of those but Idk the accuracy

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If you want to know how much of that you can reasonably get, without doing the actual pilot extractions, you could perhaps find that data here…assuming you’ve picked a solvent.

If you don’t tell us HOW you’re extracting, nobody can tell you how efficiently you’ll manage “crude”, “isolate” or “terpenes”.

What makes you think there are any terpenes worth having in the particular lb of hypothetical hemp you’re waving?

You have to breed for those. And you have to know what you’re doing to successfully retrieve them.

If you’re asking

So you can count chickens on a business plan, I respectfully submit that “you need to hire this solved” is the most appropriate response.

There are spoons lying all over the ground around here…

unless @BigM scooped them up


Preach brother.

All those ppl you listed were actually giving tips on pretty high level processes, complex shit that was worth spoon feeding to people.

This guy is asking us to show him how to use a calculator though. Mofo needs to go back to math class… How much cbd can I expect from 13% biomass? Gtfo and learn something about anything why don’t you. Kids today eh?

OP, get your damn head out of the social medias and learn to fucking think for yourself. Be proud to be smart…Not saying you need to pay for a college education but your gonna need to learn how to apply logic to a problem or fucking China is gonna have their boots overhere in like one generation ffs.


Used that list, built me one.

Then paid for a class with the @SkunkyFarmers

Mad props to the OG’s.


If you are looking to get pure CBD out, your loss from distillate to isolate will likely dwarf whatever you leave behind in biomass anyway.


I came across SkunkPharm when I was doing CO2 extraction back in 2012…


I got to catch a skunkpharma presentation when they were at a cannabizein meeting at the NW Cannabis Club, made sure to thank them!

As for the topic, I used to guesstimate ~7 lbs full-plant biomass per liter of 1st pass distillate (4L WF). Varied greatly depending on the strain.

Wish I remembered the test results, but the strain was Lifter for that example. The flower was typically 12-15% CBD, pulled at week 4-4.5.

Disclaimer: This is all off the top of my head from the 2018-2019 growing season. I could be mistaken on any one or all of the numbers quoted.


Graywolf has always been generous with his time and knowledge. He deserves all the props. I’ve only ever corresponded by messenger though.


Chads worry about yield. I worry about quality.


SkunkPharmresearch alone is enough to teach you ALLL THE BASICS so if his articles on winterization and such are high level processes. Than i think you need to stop commenting on MOFOS needing to learn and stfu and learn yourself. Get your damn head out your fucking ass, and stop assuming because he doesnt know one topic out of uh idk BILLIONS? He could be a investor who made his wealth somewhere else in another profession trying to learn this one. Excuse me for linking other educated people who have commented on basics for him to learn more than the basics without being led astray many times like myself. This is the age of disinformation, ill gladly point someone in a direction.

Talking about china running us over cause he doesnt know extraction? mofo can work be working for boeing or some type of military application do you know his life? i bet thatd be doing al ot more for stopping china WHO DOESNT ALLOW SMOKIGN WEED. OMG THE CHINESE GOONA TAKE ER CANNABIS JOBS!!!

Speaking of the other people cyclopath/marmoris always seem to hit the nail on the head too even tho ive disagreed with them a few times, they def would put you on the right direction vs many others


If that was the case, then homie could afford to buy a clue…

@anon64373531 gave him the best fucking answer possible with the little information @lov99 gave and the motherfucker got snarky at him, so now since he wanted to be such a fuck nut, people are dumping on him for good reason.

I have no fucking clue why your panties are in a bunch or who touched you in your no no spot, but you look ridiculous defending this lame ass question.


I’m not talking about the Chinese taking cannabis jobs, I’m talking about a generation not knowing their ass from a whole in the ground unless there is an app that thinks it out for them. If dingle berry can’t apply logic to solve problems and we have the next generation all in the same boat… We are fucked.

The guy is not an investor or military contractor or whatever, he’s a kid with no damn brains and he thinks that having no brains is normal… No it is not normal, don’t normalize being a dumb ass. Logic is cool, being a dummy is for for loosers.


You lead them to water…would it kill them to have a little H2O too?


So you cant be an investor and want to educate yourself for free? the fuck lol. i dont see the snap back on this page to marmoris but than again couldve happend on a diff topic i did not see.

I was listng possibilites you acting like you indefintely know what a stranger on the internet is because they asked a few basic questions… Do you think attacking people and making them resent you is gonna make them follow your ways of learning on your own? Hes trying to and yall attacked him, than u mad he aint gonna try to learn when you LITERALLY TORE HIM APART FOR TRYING TOO. :biggestfacepalmoffalltime:

This shit aint in a book or has a proper institution teaching it. Nothing wrong with questions, plenty wrong with your spoon fed asses complaints

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There is a metric fuck ton of knowledge in this forum if you know what to look for. All at your fingertips.

Don’t be afraid of ignorance. We all come into this world ignorant, it takes a wook to stay that way.

If you ask a question and don’t get the answer you want, maybe it’s because you don’t understand the problem enough to ask the right question. Don’t get your hackles up, take a step back, take a deep breath, and take another swing at it.