Are You Hiring? Looking For a Job Opportunity in Oregon, Colorado, Washington, or Elsewhere %

I love running the @MinkLoafs account and I am very fortunate for how it has grown in the community. But, straight up it is not cash flowing how I would like and I’m not interested in promoting a silicon rig. Haha.

There are several reasons & variables for this, but for this moment it is what it is. If you want to network and work together online let’s do it, our audience is legit & extremely valuable.

We are working on monetizing but there are quite a few intricacies to work through keeping the integrity of the brand. I am open to hearing any ideas about taking Mink Loafs to the next level, I have quite a few of my own but my current location is limiting & prohibiting.

I believe I bring a lot of value to the table and I am looking for a company that needs what I bring. Sales & Marketing is what I am professionally trained in but I’m not against anything to get my foot in the door to prove myself.

I will relocate in 6 - 8 weeks with my soon-to-be fiance.

Thank you for reading. I had not planned on making this post but when push comes to shove, I’ll do what I have to do. I would much rather get on with someone in our community rather than someone else.