Anyone with knowledge of a/c components?

Oh trust I have a lot more to learn but I’m the kind of guy that really learns what needs to be done while balls deep Into the project but it I was you I would look into the that reversal valve and timer


You know your ac may have one already I would check into it and see if yours does

Does your ac have a schematic wiring sticker on it?

My portable ac units do. I plan on doing a custom PID, and it should be helpful for that.


I am testing this antifreeze down to -20F, and it seems to be the ok. Lots of complaints in the reviews that it doesn’t work well. But the price is right.

I narrowed down 4 options for my fluid originally. One was “splash” rv antifreeze which was $250 a barrel… but apparently it’s flammable lol
The next was a 50/50 green antifreeze.

And finally good ol 50/50 propylene glycol. Settled on that

What is the cost of the stuff you went with?

I haven’t settled on anything yet. But this super tech stuff is interesting because it is so cheap.

The Super Tech RV stuff says it is combustible, but I can’t get it to catch fire with a butane torch. Well, if I let all the water boil off it does, but hardly.

Splash rv antifreeze-$250 for a barrel
50/50 green antifreeze-$350 barrel
50/50 propylene glycol mix-$600

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Go ethylene glycol it’s slightly toxic but getting the Propyleneglycol

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You want to use a thermostat not a pid (or a pid that can be set properly for a cooling compressor application i.e. not a cheap Chinese one that’s ten bucks shipped from eBay). Using the wrong temp controller will burn out a compressor by cycling it too much and not allowing required time for hi & low pressure sides to equalize before turning the compressor on again

Its hilarious that they are unwelcomimg on HVAC forums to non “pros”
I went to school for hvac and considering its mainly an industry of ripping people off it doesnt suprise me that they wouldnt want outsiders.
I cant help as i didnt retain much from that schooling as i only ever got one job in that industry and decided it wasnt for me.


My RV antifreeze only got down to -8c before freezing up on the evaporator.

I am wondering if I can use fractional freezing to remove some of the water.

Might work!

I’ve accidentally upped the alcohol content on a keg of apple cider that way…

What brand of RV antifreeze did you use?

Did it list the %propylene glycol?


Super Tech from Walmart for 2.58 a gallon.

Doesn’t list PG content. I was thinking about adding more.

The second listed ingredient is ethyl alcohol. That’s why fractional freezing came to mind.

I should probably just go 50/50 PG, but I usually need to learn the hard way.

This stuff REEKS if you have it in an open container… Like not be in the same room with it

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It does smell pretty strong. Reminded me of barbicide, or something weird from when I was a kid.

hoping i dont encounter any issues of freezing with the propylene glycol

I’d be careful with anything that has ethyl alcohol. Your aluminum AC unit isn’t compatible. It’ll bust at the seams and eventually leak your compressor fluid. Just use water and glycol



He told me months ago alumnium stock pots are a no go for etoh washes. I’m surprised he didnt mention it earlier

Alumnium and etoh dont go well together.


Doh! Thanks for the reminder.

I also met the chiller @tweedledew killed that way with methanol.


Old school Apple jack!


Did you ever get aroubd to the build threads for both chiller units?