Anyone using jacketed reactor for CBD isolation?

You can use it for recystalazation. Dissolve the cbd in near boiling heptane or pentane and allow to cool slowly to room temp.Continue to cool further past room temp down to freezing -40c .
The trick to this is getting the cbd/nonpolar solvent solution as saturated as you can get.

Think of it like making a supersaturated salt solution, imagine adding salt to boiling h20 untill the salt wouldent dissolve anymore(like a snow globe in apperaence). This is reaching the max saturation of the solvent, an additional small amount of solvent is added to “just dissolve” the last bits of salt at the bottom to fully incorperate them.
Then by swinging the tempature of the solvent you can decrease the solubility of the solvent, This allows controlled precipitation of the solute.
The slower you can cool the mixture the larger the crystals will be, this is due to the gradual decrease in solubility. Faster curves lead to small crystals with inclusions. The longer you can remain in the metastable zone the more ideal your results will be.

make sure you run a reflux condenser when you are heating your solvents in your reactor.