Anyone try these yet? Ygreen SC6

Yeah, ccell :joy:


Which supplier? I tried a few and they all tasted like plastic. I wasn’t going cheap either.

Were you getting plastic ccell?

Talk to @Ascent, he has nice ccell and ikrusher clones

he is also allegedly homies with the QCell people


All glass and steel but they all tasted like burnt something after a while. Got some V11 coming as samples.

Ive been using them for almost 5 yrs and there leak rate is probably 1/10 of 1%. Great customer service i was on the phone with hiy last night at 8pm, so they take care of there customers. There are cheaper carts but once tou add in shipping from china, paypal etc, the price isnt as low. And as the okd saying does you get what you oay for and there in cali, denver, Michigan etc. there shipping is fast and reliable.