Anyone still use pods?!

Item Model/Manufacturer: OVNS
Description: JC01 1ml Pod for thick oils
Current location of item: Oklahoma
Fulfillment: Direct from seller

Hello everyone, I wanted to see if anyone is still using pods? I bought these for a distillate and live resin line I used to sale, but have no need for them anymore. I’ve even looked for a cheap Juul style battery that I could pair these up with and make usable disposables, but couldn’t find any that make sense price wise. If anyone is interested, let me know!

what quantities would you be willing to sell them in? I could use some of them

Hi, have massaged you. we have a battery could pair these pods.

the pods you bought looks like use for e juice? hows it working with distillate and live?

These were made for thick oil/distillate, they actually work great, I’ve just gone to selling disposables, and can’t find a good deal on batteries that would work for these juul style pods.