Anyone seen this cart before ?

i usually vape eagle-20 carts when i wanna get rekt


Oh. I only keep the avid carts for those special occasions. Or ex girlfriends.


Love how you use the sarcastic font now killa.


Looking at something through a liquid will magnify it.
Here’s a mostly empty for comparison.


This way the chads and brads that view the site hopefully know I’m joking. Can’t have my personal views reflecting bad on my brand like posting all the disty blunts on my ig


thats not the same cart. Look at the taper on the center


that’s just a regular ikrusher

Hey guys, I happen to know @floridasnatural, and he is not trying to deceive anyone. He is looking for a quality cartridge design. The Tux he is referring to is reliable and easy to fill. Thats his goal, and why he is looking for a quality alternative. He buys the premium end of cartridges like @MondoLabs and others from reputable corporate vendors like hamilton and 3wins


You right about that center post.

The one I posted is a branded HH picked up from a MedMen like a year ago.

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I don’t think anyone was suggesting that he was looking to do anything shady. At least as far as the trash talking is concerned mine is all aimed at the cart design and HH


Yeah I don’t think OP is trying to be shady but Heavy Hitters definitely is. They know what they’re doing. Oil will be several shades lighter when it’s spread that thin and it also will barely move when it’s pressed up against multiple surfaces. This is why you can never get the bubble to move around the intake holes but everywhere else in the cart it will move more freely. My issue is the concept of this cartridge. No disrespect to @floridasnatural. I just think he picked a bad cart to want to use.

My advice to OP is that after the 0.8ml “fake 1ML” Dank Vapes spread like a plague this summer, people know to look at the thickness of the center post now. That scam was very well known before long. Even if this is really 1ML, people are automatically going to assume these are the 0.8ML scam carts too. It is just going to make you look shady even if you’re doing everything by the books. Bummer that they have a good coil system but there are a lot of other affordable options out there at this point.

They show on the box as 1g(.035oz) . They have a .5ml looking cart that’s only .3ml. :man_shrugging:t2: That 1ml cart just looks really suspect.