Anyone got the formula needed to make a 1-1 CBD/THC ratio from 2 separate distillates? Any help is much appreciated!

So my boss asked me if I could make a 1-1 CBD/THC batch of distillate by mixing the two together. I assured him I could get it done. But skipping math class to smoke weed as a teenager has proven time and time again to hinder my future self. Anyways, here are the test results from the 2 batches of distillate I’m wanting to use for the 1-1 mix. Thanks in advance for any info!!!

Would you be able to break it down as if to make a 100g test batch? Again I appreciate all help given :pray:

First batch (THC Disty):

Second batch (CBD Disty):

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Welcome to the future @MrSixString420! I think dimensional analysis will be your friend here. Think cross multiplication like in stoichiometry.
Here’s a link to help dust off the cobwebs:


The math has been laid out here more than once. It’s not hard. Once you get it, teach it to excel.

Edit: How to mix 1:1 cbd/thc

You may also need to learn just a smidge more math, as that is way too much thc in your CBD to just ignore, and don’t recall how sophisticated either of the previous discussions accessible via that link actually got


Thank you for the info!! Trust me I wish the thc in my CBD disty was a hell of a lot lower but unfortunately I gotta work with what’s given to me the “tools” I have. Have a great weekend man!!

Looks like I got my homework cut out for me😅. Thanks for the info and have a great weekend bro!!

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There may me a less refined approach to take here to get you in the ballpark. Say you take 100g of your CBD disty. You will have roughly 59.4g of cbd, and 23.4g of thc.

To get to a 1:1 CBD:THC, you just need to figure out how many grams of the THC disty to get you there. You need 59.4-23.4=36g of THC to balance it out. Your THC disty is roughly 77.77% THC, and for simplicity I’m gonna ignore small amount of CBD. So, correct me if I’m wrong here, take the 36g/.7777=46.29g of THC disty to add 36g of THC.

That should get you close, and hopefully help spark the right thought process. It’s a bit dusty in the attics of this mind.


Damn, you guys rock!!! Breaking it down for me like that really simplified it for me. Thanks again man I really appreciate all of this!!

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Looks legit.

Then it just needs “scaled” to “100”…with a smidge included for transfer/process losses.

Which for a first batch ever, 46g on 100 might not be far off, depending on available weapons.

if 32 extra carts are more of a problem than 10 too few, then multiply the numbers above by 0.67

Have you done enough 100cart batches to know your expected transfer losses?


Might as well add some terps while your at it


I wouldnt mind hopping on a call with you and explaining how to work this out in excel/google sheets so you can easily and quickly reproduce this in the future. Ive got some time tomorrow ill check my dms in the morning, Im on EST for reference. Edit: forgot to say free of charge idk if that was implied, it shouldnt take long at all