Anybody Running ExtractionTek 1300? Advice on air compressor

Can anyone break down exactly what ancillary equipment is needed to run the Extraction Tek 1300 Pneumatic Pump?

Here’s the breakdown:

Operating One Haskel 59025-3 Pneumatic Pump
(Compatible with Haskel Recovery Modes 1:1 and 2:1)
Minimum 7.5 HP Compressor
Minimum 25 CFM (Per Pump/Dedicated Air Line)
Refrigerated Airline Dryer & 80 Gallon (or larger) Storage Tank

I get that I need a 7.5 or 10 hp air compressor for approx $2K. What is the refrigerated airline dryer and 80 gallon storage tank? Is that part of the compressor (80 gallon tank)? Or is it a separate piece of equipment such as this?>%20Compressed%20Air%20Dryers&utm_campaign=Ingersoll%20Rand&utm_content=1592070&gclid=CjwKCAjwlID8BRAFEiwAnUoK1TMBqzeR5ptKHiclO99Ug6jhmIU9kQfrF19iT9_ozB0oI10FrcEtWBoCpJwQAvD_BwE

Are you talking about the venturi pump they supply you for vacuum?

We put 90psi @ 120cfm for the haskel. Blackhawk equipment is who we went through when we put a 1300 in MD.

No. The pump that comes with the unit is a Haskell. The air compressor hooks up to that.

It appears this is what I need:

Your recovery pump. You weren’t very specific about what you were asking for.

get a screw compressor instead of piston


25 scfm is the max you’d run on the 59025 (series version of the EXT420) Your chiller is a choke point too. A lot of guys bite the bullet and go with a 15 hp screw compressor. (expansion capability) keep your air quality at ISO 8573.1 Class 4 or better for longer air drive life. LUBE YOUR SHIT. Also, try not run over 60 CPM to pull too much vacuum as that really tears up the Haskels which are built to be serviced and have about a 3 --5 million cycle life before a major reseal is done. I’ve seen pump cooked in hours of use… Volume, recovery pressure/vacuum and recovery tank back pressure are all factors Lower drive pressure and higher inlet pressures are what they like… Bottom line 7.5 is more than enough as long as you are running under 90 PSI drive

The air dryer insures no liquid makes it into your air lines, and the tank is simply a storage tank for the compressed air fed by your compressor.