Anybody do CRC to Eliminate the need for Distillation

It’s because of the isomerization and aldehydes that are created in deodorization.

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But where is a study that says that the distillation of the oil is the problem?

All the things being removed protect you. Same reason why RSO is great.

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In the case of canola oil it appears that unrefined it’s not desirable and refined is not desirable. Cherry picking an oil and correlating it to extract in our field does not equate it. The stuff left over from distillation I’m pretty sure you are not going to want to take into your body. Now having said that it doesn’t mean that distillation does not get rid of some desirables but those can be reintroduced if deemed necessary.

I’m not cherry picking. It’s the closest process to cannabis.

Just because you distilled two kind of oils does not equate them

I’m talking about making a proper cake with proper isotherms.

There are literal process engineers that specialize in making cakes.

The stuff left over is isoprene’s from your distillation which can be isomerized again into types of rubber.

If not distilled those are great for the content of the oil and you can reintroduce

Are you aware of anyone doing it with extract?


Also what makes you think that distillate is bad for you as compared to other methods of the purification and please don’t bring up canola oil because it makes absolutely no sense

Did I say that distilled cannabis was dangerous?

Yes you absolutely did (and then apparently you edited your post but still leaving it with the implication of doing brain damage) which is why I answered in the matter I did

Where ?

Specifically here

Do you know English?

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Now that you are asking I’m wondering maybe I do not… Hmmmmm. Maybe this is all a simulation and we are all speaking completely different language but the Matrix lets us understand each other but just so much… Hmmmm

Or maybe I’m just too stupid to understand such a brilliant individual as yourself… Hmmmm… Can you please splain it to me and please use small words so that I may understand because some of these big words you use require me to open up a dictionary and even then my little brain has a hard time understanding.

you realize you derailed this thread, right?


Seems to me the conversation took a turn in direction that would eventually come up. The last bit of it of personal attack seems a bit unfortunate though.

I have no clue what most of these guys are rambling on about whatsoever.

To answer the original question of the thread;

Yes, absolutely.
Decarb and winterize your (THCA) crude, run through CRC, dry in vac oven.

CRC is what killed most small scale SPD equipment’s demand. The original reason we were running short path setups was because everyone had shitloads of dark crude laying around.
Why lose all that volume when you can just CRC?
This is why I’m surprised when I see most people buying anything smaller than a 22L setup these days…

Though I can’t speak to converted oil. That’s a different beast.