Anatomy of a Vape Cart

5w is to much to me…my pens work off volts and all my vape buddies called me stupid till we did side by side blind test with me holding it and they hitting it.

Get an Ooze brand they green and have selective spinner at the bottom to change the volts super cheap the flavor is way better as those vapes u have must get hot to fast bc flavor is weak with big mods![15858774683801587501681237866030|375x500]



I think my evolve battery is 3v tops. And hits decent. If you want fat tips, hot an oil rig. Vs having burnt tasting hits.

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Ohms law homie.


It depends on the resistance of the cart.

The ascents ceramics have been around 1.2ohms which Ive been hitting between 2.69v-2.8v which equals between 6.2w and 6.7w. There is a large difference of “vapor performance” between that range imo.


Aspirakles on Instagram has some gnarly inside out ideas. I used to do shit like that. I still do, but I used to, too.

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There’s a learning curve and an art to it but after a ton of wasted tester dabs when you figure it out its rig city. I find his recommended parameters roughly accurate, as they will depend on the build of the coil.

It’s all about the button finesse really, the extra chambers dude adds on I think mostly just help see whats happening inside so you dont over roast everything.

But after a little practice you can use your minds eye, and you can hit it in the dark

For getting the last little bit out of the carts Theres this company that makes a little usb powered centrifuge thing

Might work might not. Cool idea

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LMAO. :rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::man_shrugging: this is hilarious


@cbdisgood4me so…how did it turn out? Are you chuckin clouds proper or still SOL with the new battery?

Yeah it could be a million dollar idea lol

There’s a reusable cart called the hercules from back in the day. I reckon it’s a little labor intensive, and not as plug and play as these newer better carts are. But you can put a hundred grams through them, if I recall.

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@Mosaic_Co-Labs The mod worked well but I overdid it a little on the first attempt! I usually take a small hit of Blue Dreams but yesterday I took 2 big hits for some reason and it was too much for me LOL! I get pretty tense and my thoughts get very negative when consumsing too much THC. Suddenly I overanalyze my entire life and it’s all bad somehow! Still a lightweight :slight_smile:


Sooooo…it worked😅

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:rofl: Yes, it did!

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Stock CCELL cartridges have a resistance of 1.5 ohm +/- 0.1ohm
CCELL’s M3 battery has a voltage of 3.7 V

This translates to 9.13 W.

The CCELL pod systems all work on constant power and have a stock setting of 8.5 W.

6.5 W is lower than the stock setting for CCELL products. In my opinion, the stock settings are too hot and don’t provide the best flavor. That’s why suggested 6.5W for a power setting.



Well I’ll blind test u w ur 9.14watts against my 3.8v to 4.0v and we see how much out ten prefer the flavor better and dab size better with el cheap oozevolt pens idk but taste doesnt get hot and has huge flavorful hit

I had to be proved also

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3.8 V on a 1.5 ohm standard CCELL cartridge would translate to 9.62 W, so pretty much the same as a standard CCELL M3 battery which operates at 3.7V.

Also, I have seen those pens with the dial on the bottom, and I don’t really trust that they are operating at the voltages they say they are, but they are probably pretty close.

All I’m saying is that lower temperatures provide smoother more flavorful hits. Lower temperatures should, in theory, make your cartridges last a bit longer too.

I stand by my initial statement that 6.5-7.0 Watts provides the best vaping experience, in my personal opinion.

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Has there been or is there any new development in cart mechanics?

Specifically a design where the stored oil is vaporized on fresh coil surface vs continuously vaporized on the same used coil surface.

Its like dabbing dozens of hits in the same banger without ever qtip cleaning it between uses, no?

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Not in carts. Other than material changes. It’s the same principal for twenty years. To get a ‘freshy’ everytime would require a cleanable/exposed element separate from the material ‘feed’

I think it would get less user friendly/sellable for mosk folk that dont understand that they dont understand.

Besides, duisty is so clean a cart works fine.

But a big ecig with a heating wire wrapped around a tiny quartz bucket, top down airflow, a side mouth piece, a zippo style flip top carb cap…
Sure you’ll look like a weirdo using it…but look at us all sucking hot gas anyways…

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@edwardchow refuses to stock spare gcell coils for this purpose. That cart could be the future if they sell it right