Amanita muscaria

i went to a recent counter culture business related trade show. it was there that i first encountered a business based on utilizing the Amanita Muscaria as a “currently” federally legal psychedelic mushroom in a market starving for just that. Upon completing a bit of research this seems like it could very well be a much more dangerous alternative with much different physical effects on the recreational user. what i’m hoping this platform will provide is community feedback on this topic. is it safe to use recreationally, & if not will this cause problems for the traction psychedelics are getting for legitimate uses? is this a money grab while a loophole exists, or a visionary making an interesting pivot?


Sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. I’d stay away from anyone just selling amanita muscaria to the public like that. Muscimol is more like Ambien then psilocybin. The loophole your looking for is 4-AcO-DMT.


im not interested in it for that very reason. my concern is the damage it could do to people and a budding industry that seems to be helping people.


It is a deliriant of the berserk genus.


I can understand taking muscimol as it can have a drunk like effect. However, muscarine and ibotenic acid are also two of the three base ingredients of these mushroom gummies. Muscarine is a neurotoxin and ibotenic acid is literally used for brain lesioning in rats. Fuck that.

Amanita has to be prepared correctly in order for it to be relatively safe to consume. You can’t just pluck it and eat it without serious harm. All of these companies should be sued so hard they go bankrupt, but as far as I understand: There has to be harm done before it can come to that. At least in America, (as I understand it) you can’t sue without proof of damage, even if the manufacturer is using toxins.


With 4acodmt while its not scheudled could you be done for an analogue as its not hemp derived and protected by hemp act

Yeah I think so, if they can prove in court that you were selling for human consumption. But I don’t think the law is cool with you selling amanitas for human consumption either, especially if your products lead to someone having a medical emergency. Idk, all I know is that tons of “mushroom chocolates” containing 4-AcO-DMT are being sold in bodegas and smoke shops.

I’ve started doing extraction on some amanitas for work. We got it fully converted to muscimol so it shouldn’t be toxic (ibotenic acid) to my understanding. We have only done lab tests on it, no one has tried it yet. Has anyone here tried muscimol? Curious how it compares to psilocybin.

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Not personally, although a friend years ago said 10mg felt like taking a half gram of psilo mushrooms and drinking a six pack.

Knowing that ibotenic acid is used to create brain lesions in rats always made me too weary to try it.

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Wow sounds… mild? Probably not worth it for the potential toxins though. Hard to get down to 0% ibotenic acid.


Amanita muscaria is a delirient. It is not al Trip tamine. I’m using Talk to text. Do not use amanita muscaria in the fashion that you were thinking because you will not get the results that you want. It is a delirium. Alcohol is a delirariant. Keep that in mind. Do yourself a favor and get yourself some thing with some trypto means in it. Some psilocybin some shit like that but do not use aminita muscaria

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To be fair, dude was a bit of a wook, there may have been some sort of cross-tolerance due to his GABA receptors likely being pretty beat up.

Do you happen to have a SOP (if it is not proprietary-sensitive info) and/or any ideas in regards to extraction methods that you could share?

We can process for that (payments)

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